William J. Brennan
and Antonin Scalia might seem at first
like two peas in a pod. Both men were born in Brennan believed in what supporters
call “a living
constitution”—or what detractors deride as “a plastic constitution.” “The genius of the Constitution rests not in
any static meaning in may have had in a world that is dead and gone,”
he wrote
in a 1997 essay, “but in the adaptability of its great principles to
cope with
current problems and present needs.” He
saw the animating spirit of the Constitution as the protection of the
of the individual against the power of majoritarian government. At the Supreme Court, Brennan cheerfully and
tirelessly lobbied fellow justices for the extra votes needed to win a
for free speech, defendant’s rights, or a broader vision of equal
rights. Chief Justice Rehnquist usually
with Brennan on judicial issues, but admired “the personal warmth and
friendliness” that he brought to the Court. Scalia, on the other hand, insists
that the
Constitution’s meaning was determined by the “original intent” of its
and ratifiers—a vision, critics complain, of a “frozen” and limiting
document. He so aggressively promotes
his conservative views on issues before the Court that he oftentimes
the very justices whose votes might have tipped a case in his favored
direction. Steven Shapiro, national
legal director of the ACLU, observed, “I think he is one justice who
thinks his
influence is not putting together majorities today but influencing
tomorrow.” In oral arguments, the
combative Scalia frequently asked more questions than the other eight
put together. One author of a recent
book on the Court observed, “On a bench lined with solemn gray figures
often sat as silently as pigeons on a railing, Scalia stood out like a
parrot.” Brennan and Scalia, despite their
Catholicism, saw issues of religion very differently.
Brennan saw the Establishment Clause as
erecting a high barrier of separation between the state and the church. A former clerk of Brennan’s, Federal Appeals
Judge Richard Arnold, summarized his old boss’s view:
“In short, religion is too important to be
co-opted by the state for political or governmental ends.”
He believed, In 1986, a controversy over
creationism and
evolution in The Keith’s efforts in Ellwanger’s model bill, only slightly
altered, passed
the Not surprisingly, many opponents of
the Balanced
Treatment law argued that “creation science” was not scientific. Supporters, however, insisted
creation-science “is as non-religious as evolution.” They argued that
central tenet of creation-science is that species abruptly appeared in
form, and that the concept of a creator is “not inherently religious.”
Moreover, they contended, the nature of the creator is not central to
creation-science. “A fully certified academic biologist,” a court
filed in support of the law noted, had “worked out in some detail” a
secular theory of special creation.” Finally, creation-science
pointed to the testimony of expert witnesses, such as that of a
scientist who
claimed to be “an evolutionist” but nonetheless told legislators that
creation-science “can be taught and presented in a textbook without
religious content.” Creation-science draws on information from
“such fields
as paleontology, morphology, information science, probability,
genetics, and
classification”—it is scientific, supporters argued. A
quotation from an
article by Stephen Jay Gould was offered as an example of the sort of
that might be presented to students in a creation-science unit: “New
almost always appeared suddenly in the fossil record with no
intermediate links to ancestors in older rocks of the same region.” The law, supporters adamantly claimed,
“academic freedom.” The state’s only
interest is to give students more information about a controversial
on earth could be wrong with that? In
its jurisdictional statement filed with the Supreme Court, attorneys
representing Louisiana quoted—of all people—Clarence Darrow, John
Scopes, and
Charles Darwin to support its position: “[It is] bigotry for public
schools to
teach only one theory of origins” (Darrow); “[I]f you limit a teacher
to only
one side of anything, the whole country will eventually have only one
(Scopes); and “A fair result can be
obtained only by fully stating and balancing facts and arguments on
both sides
of each question” (Darwin). The state’s brief described evolution
as “a theory
in crisis.” It cited numerous scientists
who called into question one or more aspects of the theory. Not stopping with evolution, the brief
(quoting various scientists) suggested that biochemical evolution of
the first
life and the Big Bang had “problems equally as serious as biological
evolution.” On December 3, 1981, after Governor
Edwin Edwards
signed the Balanced Treatment Act into law, a group of Attorney Wendell R. Bird, representing
the state of Attorney Jay Topkis, working without
pay for the
ACLU, represented those challenging the Balanced Treatment Act. The law’s defenders, he told a television
interviewer, argued that the law’s purpose was to “serve
academic freedom and otherwise to
advance all good causes including motherhood, the good, the true, and
beautiful.” In reality, Topkis said,
creation science is “a religious concept—end of argument; and we hoped
justices would grab it that way.” During oral argument, Justice Scalia
attorneys with questions about whether this or that form of creation
necessarily be religious. He asked the
state’s attorney, Wendell Bird, whether creation-science might allow
creation by “a giant slug” as well as a more personal God.
Bird agreed that creation-science made no
assumptions about the nature of the creator—only that there was one. When it came time for argument by Topkis,
Scalia returned to the issue of whether creation by a creator was an
religious concept. The justice asked Topkis whether he “considered
Aristotelianism a religion?” Topkis replied, “Of course not.” “Well, then,” Scalia asserted, “you could
believe in a first cause, an unmoved mover, that may be impersonal, and
has no
obligation of obedience or veneration from men and, in fact, doesn’t
care about
what’s happening to mankind—and believe in creation.” “Not when
creation means
by a divine creator,” Topkis ojected.
“That’s the test.” He added
there could be no doubt, given the history of the statute, that Justice Scalia has a reputation for
attorneys off-balance with elaborate hypothetical questions. True to form, he posed for Topkis a long
hypothetical question—for the purpose, presumably, of demonstrating
that a law
could have a religious motivation and yet be constitutional. “Let’s assume,” he began, “that there is an
ancient history professor…who has been teaching that the Roman Empire
did not
extend to the southern shore of the Topkis
contended that his
opponent was trying to “play Tweedledum” by giving “creation-science” a
non-religious meaning that it clearly didn’t have.
“He wants words to mean what he says they
mean,” Topkis complained. “And that
didn’t fool The Court announced its decision in Edwards
Aguillard on June 19, 1987. Writing
for the Court, Justice Brennan said the state failed to identify a
secular purpose” for the Act, as required by the Constitution. Brennan concluded that Brennan saw the Underlying the law, Brennan declared,
were the “same
historic and contemporaneous antagonisms between the teachings of
religious denominations and the teaching of evolution” that led to the
evolution ban declared unconstitutional two decades earlier in Epperson
v Justice Scalia, in a typically
colorful dissent
joined by Chief Justice Rehnquist, accused Brennan and the majority of
constitutional issues “on the gallop” and “impugning the motives” of
the law’s
supporters. The Court’s conclusion came
from “its visceral knowledge regarding what must have been the
motivation of
the legislators” and essentially ignored much of the testimony
presented during
seven hearings and several months of study.
Scalia suggested that the Court had little basis for
creation science “is a collection of educationally valuable scientific
that has been censored from classrooms by an embarrassed scientific
establishment” or whether it is “not science at all but thinly veiled
doctrine.” He noted that five academics signed affidavits swearing
science “was a strictly scientific concept that can be presented
religious reference.” At the very least, Justice Scalia wrote, the
Court acted
prematurely in concluding the law was religiously motivated and should
have let
the state courts investigate the matter further. As far as the Constitution is
concerned, Scalia
insisted, all that matters is that legislators sincerely believed
creation science was scientific. It is
not necessary, for constitutional purposes, that their collective
was right. If a legislature full
of ignoramuses requires geography teachers to teach that the earth is
flat, it
is a sorry state of affairs—but not an unconstitutional one. Moreover,
the fact
that many supporters of the law might also have had religious
motivations is of no concern. Scalia
noted that the Court would never “strike down a law providing money to
feed the
hungry or shelter the homeless” just because legislators might have had
religious beliefs that influenced their decision. Scalia left little doubt that he
thought the
majority let its own views about creation science and evolution—rather
than the
beliefs of Louisiana legislators—determine the outcome of the case. He reminded the majority that Senator Keith
“repeatedly and vehemently denied that his purpose was to advance a
religious doctrine.” He cited his
testimony at the first hearing on the legislation:
“We are not going to say today that you
should have some kind of religious instructions in our school….I am not
proposing that we take the Bible in each science class and read the
chapter of Genesis.” It
surprised many readers, no
doubt, when conservative columnist George Will authored a column
calling the
Court’s decision in Aguillard “insufficiently severe” with the
Stephen Jay Gould, perhaps responding
to George
Will’s call, joined in criticism of Scalia’s dissent.
In an essay entitled Justice Scalia’s
Misunderstanding, Gould wrote that “he couldn’t have helped
wondering how
two justices could have ruled” in favor of |