Although the quality of books written by those who do not believe in evolution varies significantly, some of the books below are unarguably solid, well researched and scientifically accurate. In fact, some of them are written not by creationists but by evolutionists and ex-evolutionists who question evolution’s merits after having been staunch evolutionists themselves.
Darwin's Black Box., Dr. Michael J. Behe
Explores one of the most vexing problems in biology: the origin of
the complexity that permeates all of life. Behe, a professor in
who is not a Biblical creationist, comes to the conclusion that at a
level, scientists have no option but to believe in intelligent
Dr. Behe is a highly respected biochemist from Lehigh University.
(interesting… I wonder how unbiased they are….)
Darwin on Trial, Phillip E. Johnson.
Phillip Johnson is a law professor at the University of California-
at Berkeley. He is a graduate of Harvard and the University of
In his book, he takes Darwinism and puts it to logical and scientific
He talks about the evolutionists’ flaws regarding the rules of Science,
the fossil problem, the molecular evidence, the problem with
evolution, the mutation problem and many others.
What is Creation Science? Henry M. Morris and Gary E. Parker
Scientifically accurate treatment of the scientific evidence for
creation without any Biblical or religious arguments. Foreword by Dr.
B. Kenyon, Professor of Biology at San Francisco State University and
prominent evolutionist.
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, Dr. Michael Denton
This book by a non-creationist is hard-hitting, factual, and objective.
It does not argue in favor of Creation, but is a clear, balanced,
and scientifically accurate account of the ever-growing crisis in
Bones of Contention, Marvin Lubenow Thorough examination of all the
supposed pre-human fossils that has been published, with thorough
of all evolutionary inferences that have been drawn from them. Lubenow
is both a scientist and a theologian.
Many other thinkers in the fields of mathematics, astrophysics, geology
and other sciences have written scientifically accurate articles and
in reputable journals. I would be glad to send you hundreds of
and names of these men and women.
Professor Prerogative-Student Prerogative (from a humble 1L)
1. To call evolution a "theory" says nothing about its ability to
accurately explain facts observed in the world. Gravitation is a
theory. The sun-centered solar system of Copernicus and Galileo
a theory.
Stephen Jay Gould popularized this line of reasoning and analogy in
his article “Evolution as Facts and Theory.” Richard Dawkins and
Carl Sagan have also gone to great lengths to say that evolution is
and not theory. The analogy between gravity and evolution seems
We observe directly that objects fall when dropped. We do not
a common ancestor for modern apes and humans. Evolution is a
that cannot be reproduced and observed, as is normally required by
methods of analysis. Is this not the basic tenant of science? It also
in the face of the second law of thermodynamics. That is, if things
to migrate towards disorder, how can increasing complex life forms
Furthermore, Darwin himself called evolution simply a “theory.”
should we argue with him?
2. Evolution is the central theory of biology. It is
a powerful tool for explaining the presence of millions of fossils and
other observations about the origin of life forms.
However, evolution has yet to be proven. If it is a tool, then
should we still not call it a theory? No evidence has ever been found
macroevolution. While many fossils exist, no transitional life
have been found in the fossil record-ever. If evolution were true there
would be Millions, if not billions, of transitional life forms.
fact is that none exist outside of microevolution. The supposed “links”
have all been proven to be false, including “Nebraska Man,” and “Lucy.”
These two are only referring to the ape-human evolution, not to mention
the endless missing links between vertebrates and invertebrates,
odds in organization of DNA, or life in the very first cause…was there
oxygen in the atmosphere? If not, evolution is shot from the
3. Evolution is not considered to be inconsistent with the
beliefs of most Christians or Jews. Most mainline Protestant
the Catholic Church, and many other religious faiths accept the
of evolution.
This doesn’t prove anything either way. You have do some pretty fancy
footwork to justify day-age theories, gap theories, theistic evolution
and some of the others “systems” that have been adopted by scholars
these faiths.
4. There is not a single first-rate biologist in the United
who does not believe that life on earth has developed through the
of evolution, starting with single-cell organisms.
Once again, it depends on how “first rate” is defined. If first
rate means teaching at a big name school and being respected in their
then these guys are not “first rate.”? Where is the cutoff
point? They are all
Many more out there. Seems like evolutionists like to build straw
men and knock them down by insulting and/or trying to discredit anyone
who may remotely disagree with them. Seems like they are the ones
giving off the same type of intolerance they once received and decried
from those who didn’t agree with evolution. Quite a role reversal
here. Is anyone who does not teach at Harvard, Yale or Stanford a
“second rate” professor?. I would hope not. This neither
nor disproves that their theories are right or wrong.
6. It took over 200 years, but eventually the Catholic Church
the scientific evidence that the earth revolved around the sun.
most Fundamentalists will come to accept the theory of evolution as
in 20 years or in 200 is hard to say. But it will happen. Facts
stubborn things.
The Catholic Church was not alone in its initial rejection of
theories. Most of the “secular” people of his day wanted nothing
to do with his theories either! “Fundamentalists” such as Pascal,
Newton and many others throughout the ages were not only some of the
scientific minds in history but also deeply religious
It’s a bit unfair to characterize those who are “fundamentalists” as
closed minded and unthinking obscurantises. Granted, there may be
some yahoos out there, but there are also many respected thinkers,
and educators who do not buy the evolution line and have logical
arguments and data to support their views.
As to facts being stubborn things, I agree! So many scientific, statistical, and logical facts are stacked against evolutionary theory that it may take more faith to believe in it than it does to believe in special design
For what its worth, I think that creation (with no specific religious bent) and evolution should be taught equally at the schools. Students have brains and if they really care to find out more, they can make up their own mind without having either theory shoved down their throat at school. I grew up in a system where evolution was forced down my throat until high school. After reading some of the books above, I’m just simply not convinced that evolutionary theory is “fact” by any stretch of the imagination.
My purpose in sending you this email is by no means to be contentious. I’m sure you’ve researched the issue extensively and an email from a 1L is probably not going to change your views. I believe the books above at least give a fair and reasoned perspective from thinking individuals who may disagree with you and have very solid reasons to do so.
[Name withheld by request]