The Impeachment Trial of Samuel Chase (1805):
 Selected Links & Bibliography
by Douglas O. Linder

Justice Samuel Chase


Famous Marylanders: Justice Samuel Chase (Teaching American History)

The Samuel Chase Impeachment Trial

Samuel Chase (Wikipedia)

R. W. Carrington, "The Impeachment Trial of Justice Chase" (Virginia Law Review, 1923)(Jstor)

Jeffrey Berman, The Trial of Samuel Chase (SSRN)

Image of Senate Vote Tally

Additional Reading:

Chase, Samuel.  Trial of Samuel Chase (S. H. Smith, 1805)(reprints available).

Elsmere, Jane S.  Justice Samuel Chase (Janevar, 1980).

Haw, James.  Stormy Patriot: The Life of Samuel Chase (Maryland Historical Society, 1980).

Rehnquist, William.  Grand Inquests: The Historic Impeachments of Justice Samuel Chase and President Andrew Johnson (Harper, 1999).

Famous Trials Website