On the first
division of the subject
two points are made:
1st. That,
conformably to the constitution
of the United States, no man can be convicted of
treason who was not present
when the war was levied.
2d. That if this
construction be erroneous,
no testimony can be received to charge one man
with the overt acts of others
until those overt acts as laid in the indictment
be proved to the satisfaction
of the court.
The question which arises on
the construction
of the constitution, in every point of view in which
it can be contemplated,
is of infinite moment to the people of this country
and to their government,
and requires the most temperate and the most
deliberate consideration.
"Treason against the United States shall consist
only in levying war against
them." What is the natural import of the words
"levying war?" and who may
be said to levy it? Had their first
application to treason been made
by our constitution they would certainly have
admitted of some latitude
of construction. Taken most literally, they
are, perhaps, of the
same import with the words "raising or creating
war"; but as those who
join after the commencement are equally the objects
of punishment, there
would probably be a general admission that the term
also comprehended making
war or carrying on war. In the construction which
courts would be required
to give these words, it is not improbable that those
who should raise,
create, make, or carry on war, might be
comprehended.The various acts which
would be considered as coming within the term
would be settled by
a course of decisions; and it would be affirming
boldly to say that those
only who actually constituted a portion of the
military force appearing
in arms could be considered as levying war.
There is no difficulty
in affirming that there must be a war or the crime
of levying it cannot
exist; but there would often be considerable
difficulty in affirming
that a particular act did or did not involve
the person committing
it in the guilt and in the fact of levying
war. If, for example,
an army should be actually raised for the
avowed purpose of carrying
on open war against the United States and subverting
their government,
the point must be weighed very deliberately, before
a judge would venture
to decide that an overt act of levying war had not
been committed by a
commissary of purchases, who never saw the army, but
who, knowing its object,
and leaguing himself with the rebels, supplied that
army with provisions,
or, by a recruiting officer holding a commission in
the rebel service,
who, though never in camp, executed the particular
duty assigned to him.
But the term is not for
the first time applied
to treason by the constitution of the United
States. It is a technical
term. It is used in a very old statute of
that country whose language
is our language, and whose laws form the
substratum of our laws.
It is scarcely conceivable that the term was not
employed by the framers
of our constitution in the sense which had been
affixed to it by
those from whom we borrowed it. So far as
the meaning of any terms,
particularly terms of art, is completely
ascertained, those by whom they
are employed must be considered as employing them
in that ascertained meaning,
unless the contrary be proved by the
context. It is, therefore, reasonable
to suppose, unless it be incompatible with other
expressions of the constitution,
that the term "levying war" is used in that
instrument in the same sense
in which it was understood in England, and in this
country, to have been
used in the statute of the 25th of Edw. III.
from which it was borrowed,.
It is said that this meaning is to be collected
only from adjudged cases.
But this position cannot be conceded to the extent
in which it is laid
down. The superior authority of adjudged cases
will never be controverted.
But those celebrated elementary writers who
have stated the principles
of the law, whose statements have received the
common approbation of legal
men, are not to be disregarded. Principles
laid down by such writers
as Coke, Hale, Foster, and Blackstone, are not
lightly to be rejected.
These books are in the hands of every
student. Legal opinions are
formed upon them; and those opinions are
afterwards carried to the bar,
the bench and the legislature. In the
exposition of terms, therefore,
used in instruments of the present day, the
definitions and the dicta of
those authors, if not contradicted by
adjudications, and if compatible
with the words of the statute, are entitled
to respect. It
is to be regretted that they do not shed as much
light on this part of
the subject as is to be wished. Coke does
not give a complete definition
of the term, but puts cases which amount to
levying war. "An
actual rebellion or insurrection, he says, is a
levying of war." In whom?
Coke does not say whether in those only who appear
in arms, or in all those
who take part in the rebellion or insurrection by
real open deed.
Hale, in treating on the same subject, puts
many cases which shall
constitute a levying of war, without which no act
can amount to treason;
but he does not particularize the parts to be
performed by the different
persons concerned in that war, which shall be
sufficient to fix on each
the guilt of levying it. Foster says: "The
joining with rebels in
an act of rebellion, or with enemies in acts of
hostility, will make a
man a traitor." "Furnishing rebels or
enemies with money, arms, ammunition
or other necessaries will prima facie make a
man a traitor." Foster
does not say that he would be a traitor under the
words of the statute,
independent of the legal rule which attaches the
guilt of the principal
to an accessory, nor that his treason is
occasioned by that rule.
In England this discrimination need not be made
except for the purpose
of framing the indictment; and, therefore, in the
English books we
do not perceive any effort to make it. Thus,
surrendering a castle
to rebels, being in confederacy with them, is said
by Hale and Foster to
be treason under the clause of levying war; but
whether it be levying war
in fact, or aiding those who levy it, is not
said. Upon this
point Blackstone is not more satisfactory.
Although we find among
the commentators upon treason enough to
satisfy the inquiry, what
is a state of internal war? yet no precise
information can be acquired
from them which would enable us to decide with
clearness whether persons
not in arms, but taking part in a rebellion, could
be said to levy
war, independently of that doctrine which attaches
to the accessory the
guilt of his principal. If in adjudged cases
this question have been
taken up and directly decided, the court has
not seen those cases.
The argument which may be drawn from the form of
the indictment, though
strong, is not conclusive. In the precedent
found in Tremaine, Mary
Speake, who was indicted for furnishing provisions
to the party of the
Duke of Monmouth, is indicted for furnishing
provisions to those who were
levying war, not for levying war herself. It
may correctly be argued
that, had this act amounted to levying war, she
would have been indicted
for levying war; and the furnishing of provisions
would have been
laid as the overt act. The court felt this
when the precedent was
produced. But the argument, though strong, is not
conclusive, because,
in England, the inquiry, whether she had become a
traitor by levying war,
or by giving aid and comfort to those who were
levying war, 1
was unimportant; and because, too, it does not
appear from the indictment
that she was actually concerned in the rebellion
-- that she belonged to
the rebel part, or was guilty of anything further
than a criminal speculation
in selling them provisions.
It is not deemed
necessary to trace the doctrine,
that in treason all are principals, to its
source. Its origin is
most probably stated coreectly by Judge Tucker in
a work, the merit of
which is with pleasure acknowledged. But if
a spurious doctrine have
been introduced into the common law, and have for
centuries been admitted
as genuine, it would require great hardihood in a
judge to reject
it. Accordingly, we find those of the
English jurists who seem to
disapprove the principle declaring that it is now
too firmly settled to
be shaken. It is unnecessary to trace this
doctrine to its source
for another reason: the terms of the constitution
comprise no question
respecting principal and accessory, so far
as either may be truly
and in fact said to levy war. Whether in England a
person would be indicted
in express terms for levying war or for assisting
others in levying war,
yet if in correct and legal language he can
be said to have levied
war, and if it have never been decided that the
act would not amount to
levying war, his case may, without violent
construction, be brought within
the letter and the plain meaning of the
constitution. In examining
these words, the argument which may be drawn from
felonies, as, for example,
from murder, is not more conclusive. Murder
is the single act of
killing with malice aforethought. But war is
a complex operation,
composed of many parts, co-operating with each
other. No one man
or body of men can perform them all if the war be
of any continuance.
Although, then, in correct and in law language, he
alone is said to have
murdered another who has perpetrated the fact of
killing, or has been present
aiding that fact, it does not follow that he alone
can have levied war
who has borne arms. All those who
perform the various and essential
military parts of prosecuting the war, which must
be assigned to different
persons, may with correctness and accuracy be said
to levy war. Taking
this view of the subject, it appears to the court
that those who perform
a part in the prosecution of the war may correctly
be said to levy
war and to commit treason under the
constitution. It will be observed
that this opinion does not extend to the case of a
person who performs
no act in the prosecution of the war -- who
counsels and advises
it -- or who, being engaged in the conspiracy,
fails to perform his part.
Whether such persons may be implicated by the
doctrine that whatever would
make a man an accessory in felony makes him a
principal in treason, or
are excluded because that doctrine is inapplicable
to the United States,
the constitution having declared that treason
shall consist only in levying
war, and having made the proof of overt acts
necessary to conviction, is
a question of vast importance, which it would be
proper for the supreme
court to take a fit occasion to decide, but which
an inferior tribunal
would not willingly determine unless the case
before them should require
It may now be proper to
notice the opinion
of the supreme court in the case of the United
States against Bollman and
Swartwout. It is said that this opinion, in
declaring that those
who do not bear arms may yet be guilty of treason,
is contrary to law,
and is not obligatory because it is
extra-judicial and was delivered
on a point not argued. This court is
therefore required to depart
from the principle there laid down. It is
true that, in that case,
after forming the opinion that no treason could be
committed because no
treasonable assemblage had taken place, the court
might have dispensed
with proceeding further in the doctrines of
treason. But it is to
be remembered that the judges might act
separately, and perhaps at the
same time on the various prosecutions which might
be instituted, and that
no appeal lay from their decisions. Opposite
judgments on the point would
have presented a state of things in finitely to be
deplored by all. It was
not surprising, then, that they should have made
some attempt to settle
principles which would probably occur, and which
were in some degree connected
with the point before them. The court had
employed some reasoning
to show that without the actual embodying of men
war could not be levied.
It might have been inferred from this that those
only who were so
embodied could be guilty of treason. Not
only to exclude this inference,
but also to affirm the contrary, the court
proceeded to observe: "It
is not the intention of the court to say that no
individual can be guilty
of this crime who has not appeared in arms against
his country.On the contrary,
if war be actually levied, that is, if a
body of men be actually
assembled for the purpose of effecting by
force a treasonable object,
all those who perform any part, however minute, or
however remote from
the scene of action, and who are actually leagued
in the general conspiracy,
are to be considered as traitors." This court is
told that if this opinion
be incorrect it ought not to be obeyed,
because it was extra-judicial.
For myself, I can say that I could not lightly be
prevailed on to disobey
it, were I even convinced that it was erroneous;
but I would certainly
use any means which the law placed in my power to
carry the question again
before the supreme court for reconsideration, in a
case in which
it would directly occur and be fully argued.
The court which gave
this opinion was composed of four judges. At
the time I thought them
unanimous, but I have since had reason to suspect
that one of them, whose
opinion is entitled to great respect, and whose
indisposition prevented
his entering into the discussions, on ssome of
those points which were
not essential to the decision of the very
case under consideration,
did not concur in this particular point with his
brethren. Had the
opinion been unanimous, it would have been given
by a majority of the judges.
But should the three who were absent concur with
that judge who was present,
and who perhaps dissents from what was then the
opinion of the court, a
majority of the judges may overrule this
decision. I should, therefore,
feel no objection, although I then thought and
still think the opinion
perfectly correct, to carry the point, if
possible, again before the supreme
court, if the case should depend upon it. In
saying that I still
think the opinion perfectly correct, I do
not consider myself as
going further than the preceding reasoning
goes. Some gentlemen
have argued as if the supreme court had adopted
the whole doctrine
of the English books on the subject of accessories
to treason. But
certainly such is not the fact. Those only
who perform a part, and
who are leagued in the conspiracy, are declared to
be traitors. To
complete the definition both circumstances must
concur. They must
"perform a part," which will furnish the overt
act; and they must be "leagued
in conspiracy." The person who comes within this
description in the opinion
of the court levies war. The present motion,
however, does not rest
upon this point; for if under this indictsment the
United States might
be let in to prove the part performed by the
prisoner, if he did perform
any part, the court could not stop the testimony,
in its present stage.
The second point involves the character of the
overt act which has been
given in evidence, and calls upon the court to
declare whether that
act can amount to levying war. Although the
court ought now to avoid
any analysis of the testimony which has been
offered in this case, provided
the decision of the motion should not rest upon
it, yet many reasons concur
in giving peculiar propriety to a delivery, in the
course of these trials,
of a detailed opinion on the question, what is
levying war? As this
question has been argued at great length, it may
probably save much trouble
to the counsel now to give that opinion.
In opening the case, it
was contended by the
attorney for the United States, and has since been
maintained on the part
of the prosecution, that neither arms nor the
application of force or violence
are indispensably necessary to constitute the fact
of levying war.
To illustrate these positions, several cases have
been stated, many of
which would clearly amount to treason. In
all of them, except that
which was probably intended to be this case, and
on which no observation
will be made, the object of the assemblage was
clearly treasonable.
Its character was unequivocal, and was
demonstrated by evidence furnished
by the assemblage itself. There was no
necessity to rely upon information
drawn from extrinsic sources, or, in order to
understand the fact, to pursue
a course of intricate reasoning and to conjecture
motives. A force
is supposed to be collected for an avowed
treasonable object, in a condition
to attempt that object, and to have commenced the
attempt by moving towards
it. I state these particulars, because
although the cases put
may establish the doctrine they are intended to
support -- may prove that
the absence of arms, or the failure to apply
force to sensible objects
by the actual commission of violence on those
objects, may be supplied
by other circumstances -- yet they also serve to
show that the mind requires
those circumstances to be satisfied that war is
levied. Their construction
of the opinion of the supreme court is, I
think, thus far correct.
It is certainly the opinion which was at the time
entertained by myself;
and which is still entertained. If a rebel
army, avowing its hostility
to the sovereign power, should front that of the
government, should march
and countermarch before it, should manoeuvre in
its face, and should then
disperse from any cause whatever without firing a
gun -- I confess I could
not, without some surprise, hear gentlemen
seriously contend that this
could not amount to an act of levying war. A
case equally strong
may be put with respect to the absence of military
weapons. If the
party be in a condition to execute the purposed
treason without the usual
implements of war, I can perceive no reason for
requiring those implements
in order to constitute the crime.
It is argued that no
adjudged case can be
produced from the English books where actual
violence has not been committed.
Suppose this were true. No adjudged case
has, or, it is believed,
can be produced from those books in which it has
been laid down that war
cannot be levied without the actual application of
violence to external
objects. The silence of the reporters on
this point may be readily
accounted for. In cases of actual rebellion
against the government,
the most active and influential leaders are
generally most actively engaged
in the war; and as the object can never be to
extend punishment to extermination,
a sufficient number are found among those who have
committed actual hostilities
to satisfy the avenging arm of justice. In
cases of constructive
treason, such as pulling down
meeting-houses, where the direct and
avowed object is not the destruction of the
sovereign power, some act of
violence might be generally required to have to
the crime a sufficient
degree of malignity to convert it into treason, to
render the guilt of
any individual unequivocal. But
Vaughan's Case is a case where
there was no real application of violence, and
where the act was adjudged
to be treason. Gentlemen argue that Vaughan
was only guilty of adhering
to the king's enemies, but they have not the
authority of the court for
so saying. The judges unquestionably treat
the cruising of Vaughan
as an overt act of levying war. The
opinions of the best elementary
writers concur in declaring that where a body of
men are assembled for
the purpose of making war against the government,
and are in a condition
to make that war, the assemblage is an act
of levying war.
These opinions are contradicted by no adjudged
case, and are supported
by Vaughan's Case. This court is not
inclined to controvert them.
But although, in this respect, the opinion of the
supreme court has not
been misunderstood on the part of the prosecution,
that opinion seems not
to have been fully adverted to in a very essential
point in which it is
said to have been misconceived by others.
The opinion, I am informed,
has been construed to mean that any assemblage
whatever for a treasonable
purpose, whether in force or not in force, whether
in a condition to use
violence or not in that condition, is a
levying of war. It
is this construction, which has not, indeed, been
expressly advanced at
the bar, but which is said to have been adopted
elsewhere, that the court
deems it necessary to examine.
Independent of authority,
trusting only to
the dictates of reason, and expounding terms
according to their ordinary
signification, we should probably all concur in
the declaration that war
could not be levied without the employment and
exhibition of force.
War is an appeal from reason to the sword;
and he who makes the appeal
evidences the fact by the use of the means.
His intention to go to
war may be proved by words; but the actual
going to war is a fact
which is to be proved by open deed. The end
is to be effected
by force; and it would seem that in cases where no
declaration is to be
made, the state of actual war could only be
created by the employment of
force, or being in a condition to employ it.
But the term, having
been adopted by our constitution, must be
understood in that sense in which
it was universally received in this country when
the constitution was framed.
The sense in which it was received is to be
collected from the most approved
authorities of that nation from which we have
borrowed the term.
Lord Coke says that levying war against the king
was treason at the common
law. "A compassing or conspiracy to
levy war, he adds, is no
treason, for there must be a levying of war in
fact." He proceeds to state
cases of constructive levying war, where the
direct design is not
to overturn the government, but to effect some
general object by force.
The terms he employs, in stating these cases, are
such as indicate an impression
on his mind that actual violence is a necessary
ingredient in constituting
the fact of levying war. He then proceeds to
say: "An actual rebellion
or insurrection is a levying of war within this
fact." "If any with strength
and weapons invasive and defensive doth hold and
defend a castle or fort
against the king and his power, this is levying of
war against the king."
These cases are put to illustrate what he
denominates "a war in fact."
It is not easy to conceive "an actual invasion or
insurrection" unconnected
with force; nor can "a castle or fort be defended
with strength and weapons
invasive and defensive" without the employment of
actual force. It
would seem, then, to have been the opinion of Lord
Coke that to levy war
there must be an assemblage of men in a condition
and with an intention
to employ force. He certainly puts no case
of a different description.
Lord Hale says (1 Hale, P.C. p. 149, pl. 6:) "What
shall be said a levying
of war is partly a question of fact, for it is not
every unlawful or riotous
assembly of many persons to do an unlawful act,
though de facto they commit
the act they intend, that makes a levying of war;
for then every riot would
be treason, &c.," "but it must be such an
assembly as carries with
it speciem belli, the appearance of war; as if
they ride or march vexillis
explicatis, with colors flying, or if they be
formed into companies or
furnished with military officers, or if they are
armed with military weapons,
as swords, guns, bills, halberds, pikes, and are
so circumstanced that
it may be reasonably concluded they are in a
posture of war; which circumstances
are so various that it is hard to describe
them all particularly."
"Only the general expressions in all the
indictments of this nature
that I have seen are more guerrino arraiati,"
arrayed in warlike manner.
He afterwards adds: "If there be a war levied as
is above declared,
viz, an assembly arrayed in warlike manner, and so
in the posture of war
for any treasonable attempt, it is bellum levatum
but not percussum." It
is obvious that Lord Hale supposed an assemblage
of men in force, in a
military posture, to be necessary to constitute
the fact of levying war.
The idea, he appears to suggest, that the
apparatus of war is necessary,
has been very justly combated by an able judge who
has written a valuable
treatise on the subject of treason; but, it is not
recollected that his
position, that the assembly should be in a posture
of war for any treasonable
attempt, has ever been denied. Hawkins
(chapter 17, @ 23), says "that
not only those who rebel against the king, and
take up arms to dethrone
him, but, also, in many other cases, those who, in
a violent and forcible
manner, withstand his lawful authority, are said
to levy war against him,
and therefore those that hold a fort or castle
against the king's forces,
or keep together armed numbers of men, against the
king's express command,
have been adjudged to levy war against him." The
cases put by Hawkins are
all cases of actual force and violence.
"Those who rebel against
the king, and take up arms to dethrone him." In
many other cases those
"who, in a violent and forcible manner, withstand
his lawful authority."
"Those that hold a fort or castle against his
forces, or keep together
armed numbers of men against his express command."
These cases are obviously
cases of force and violence. Hawkins
next proceeds to describe
cases in which war is understood to be levied
under the statute, although
it was not directly made against the
government.This Lord Hale terms an
interpretative or constructive levying of war; and
it will be perceived
that he puts no case in which actual force is
dispensed with. "Those
also, he says, who make an insurrection in order
to redress a public grievance,
whether it be a real or pretended one, and
of their own authority
attempt with force to redress it, are said to levy
war against the king,
although they have no direct design against his
person, inasmuch as they
insolently invade his prerogative by attempting to
do that by private authority
which he, by public justice, ought to do; which
manifestly tends to a downright
rebellion. As where great numbers by force
attempt to remove certain
persons from the king." &c. The cases
here put by Hawkins, of
a constructive levying of war, do in terms
require force as a constituent
part of the description of the offence.
Judge Foster, in his
valuable treatise on
Treason, states the opinion which has been quoted
from Lord Hale, and differs
from that writer so far as the latter might seem
to require swords, drums,
colors, &c., what he terms the pomp and
pageantry of war, as
essential circumstances to constitute the fact of
levying war. In
the Cases of Damaree and Purchase, he says: "The
want of those circumstances
weighed nothing with the court, although the
prisoner's counsel insisted
much on that matter." But he adds: "The number of
the insurgents supplied
the want of military weapons; and they were
provided with axes, crows,
and other tools of the like nature, proper for the
mischief they intended
to effect. Furor arma ministrat." It is
apparent that Judge Foster
here alludes to an assemblage in force, or, as
Lord Hale terms it, "in
a warlike posture;" that is, in a condition to
attempt or proceed upon
the treason which had been contemplated. The
same author after wards
states at large the Cases of Damaree and Purchase
from 8 State Trials;
and they are cases where the insurgents not
only assembled in force,
in the posture of war, or in a condition to
execute the treasonable design,
but they did actually carry it into execution, and
did resist the guards
who were sent to disperse them. Judge Foster
states (section 4) all
insurrections to effect certain innovations of a
public and general concern,
by an armed force, to be, in construction of law,
high treason within the
clause of levying war. The cases put by
Foster of constructive levying
of war all contain, as a material ingredient, the
actual employment of
force. After going through this branch of
his subject, he proceeds
to state the law in a case of actual levying war:
that is, where the war
is intended directly against the government.
He says (section 9):
"An assembly armed and arrayed in a warlike manner
for a treasonable purpose
is bellum levatum, though not bellum
percussum. Listing and marching
are sufficient overt acts, without coming to a
battle or action.
So cruising on the king's subjects under a French
commission, France being
then at war with us, was held to be adhering to
the king's enemies, though
no other act of hostility be proved." "An assembly
armed and arrayed in
a warlike manner for any treasonable
purpose" is certainly in a state
of force: in a condition to execute the treason
for which they assembled.
The words, "enlisting and marching." which are
overt acts of levying
war, do, in the arrangement of the sentence, also
imply a state of force;
though that state is not expressed in terms; for
the succeeding words,
which state a particular event as not having
happened, prove that event
to have been the next circumstance to those which
had happened; they are
"without coming to a battle or action." "If men be
enlisted and march,"
(that is, if they march prepared for battle or in
a condition for action:
for marching is a technical term applied to the
movement of a military
corps,) it is an overt act of levying war, though
they do not come to a
battle or action. This exposition is
rendered the stronger by what
seems to be put in the same sentence as a parallel
case with respect to
adhering to an enemy.It is cruising under a
commission from an enemy without
committing any other act of hostility. Cruising is
the act of sailing in
warlike form and in a condition to assail those of
whom the cruiser is
in quest. This exposition, which seems to be
that intended
by Judge Foster, is rendered the more certain by a
reference to the case
in the State Trials from which the extracts are
taken. The words
used by the chief justice are: "When men form
themselves into a body and
march rank and file with weapons offensive
and defensive, this is
levying of war with open force, if the design be
public." Mr. Phipps, the
counsel for the prisoner, afterwards observed:
"Intending to levy war is
not treason unless a war be actually levied." To
this the chief justice
answered: "Is it not actually levying cf war if
they actually provide arms
and levy men, and in a warlike manner set out and
cruise and come with
a design to destroy our ships?" Mr. Phipps still
insisted "it would not
be an actual levying of war unless they committed
some act of hostility."
"Yes, indeed," said the chief justice, "the going
on board and being in
a posture to attack the king's ships." Mr. Baron
Powis added: "But for
you to say that because they did not actually
fight it is not a levying
of war! Is it not plain what they did
intend? that they came with
that intention? that they came in that posture?
that they came armed, and
had guns and blunderbusses, and surrounded the
ship twice? They came
with an armed force; that is strong evidence
of the design."
The point insisted on by
counsel in the Case
of Vaughan, as in this case, was, that war could
not be levied without
actual fighting. In this the counsel
was very properly overruled;
but it is apparent that the judges proceeded
entirely on the idea that
a warlike posture was indispensable to the fact of
levying war. Judge
Foster proceeds to give other instances of levying
war: "Attacking the
king's forces in opposition to his authority upon
a march or in quarters
is levying war." "Holding a castle or fort against
the king or his forces,
if actual force be used in order to keep
possession, is levying war. But
a bare detainer, as, suppose, by shutting the
gates against the king or
has forces, without any other force from
within, Lord Hale conceiveth
will not amount to treason." The whole doctrine of
Judge Foster on this
subject seems to demonstrate a clear opinion
that a state of force
or violence, a posture of war, must exist to
constitute technically as
well as really the fact of levying war.
Judge Blackstone seems to
concur with his
predecessors. Speaking of levying war, he
says: "This may be done
by taking arms, not only to dethrone the king, but
under pretense to reform
religion or the laws, or to remove evil
counsellors or other grievances,
whether real or pretended. For the law does
not, neither can it,
permit any private man or set of men to interfere
forcibly in matters of
such high importance." He proceeds to give
examples of levying war, which
show that he contemplated actual force as a
necessary ingredient in the
composition of this crime. It would seem,
then, from the English
authorities, that the words "levying war" have not
received a technical
different from their natural meaning, so far
as respects the character
of the assemblage of men which may constitute the
fact. It must be
a warlike assemblage, carrying the appearance of
force, and in a situation
to practice hostility.
Several judges of the
United States have given
opinions at their circuits on the subject,
all of which deserve,
and will receive the particular attention of
this court.
In his charge to the
grand jury, when John
Fries was indicted in consequence of a
forcible opposition to the
direct tax, Judge Iredell is understood to
have said: "I think I
am warranted in saying that if, in the case of the
insurgents who may come
under your consideration, the intention was to
prevent by force of
arms the execution of an act of the congress of
the United States altogether,
any forcible opposition, calculated to carry that
intention into effect,
was a levying of war against the United States,
and, of course, an act
of treason." To levy war, then, according to this
opinion of Judge Iredell,
required the actual exertion of force.
Judge Patterson, in
his opinions delivered in two different
cases, seems not to differ
from Judge Iredell. He does not, indeed,
precisely state the employment
of force as necessary to constitute a levying war,
but in giving his opinion,
in cases in which force was actually employed, he
considers the crime
in one case as dependent on the intention; and in
the other case he says:
"Combining these facts and this design," (that is,
combining actual force
with a treasonable design,) "the crime is high
treason." Judge Peters has
also indicated the opinion that force was
necessary to constitute the crime
of levying war. Judge Chase has been
particularly clear and explicit.
In an opinion which he appears to have prepared on
great consideration,
he says: "The court are of opinion that if a
body of people conspire
and meditate an insurrection to resist or oppose
the execution of a statute
of the United States by force, they are only
guilty of a high misdemeanor;
but if they proceed to carry such intention into
execution by force, that
they are guilty of the treason of levying war; and
the quantum of the force
employed neither increases nor diminishes
the crime; whether by one
hundred or one thousand persons is wholly
immaterial. The court are
of opinion that a combination or conspiracy to
levy war against the United
States is not treason unless combined with an
attempt to carry such combination
or conspiracy into execution; some actual force or
violence must be used
in pursuance of such design to levy war; but that
it is altogether immaterial
whether the force used be sufficient to effectuate
the object. Any
force connected with the intention will constitute
the crime of levying
of war." In various parts of the opinion delivered
by Judge Chase, in the
case of Fries, the same sentiments are to be
found. It is to be observed
that these judges are not content that troops
should be assembled in a
condition to employ force. According to them
some degree of force
must have been actually employed. The judges
of the United States,
then, so far as their opinions have been
quoted, seem to have required
still more to constitute the fact of levying
war than has been required
by the English books. Out judges seem to
have required the actual
exercise of force, the actual employment of some
degree of violence.
This, however, may be, and probably is, because,
in the cases in which
their opinions were given, the design not having
been to overturn the government,
but to resist the execution of a law, such an
assemblage as would be sufficient
for the purpose would require the actual
employment of force to render
the object unequivocal.
But it is said all these
authorities have
been overruled by the decision of the supreme
court in the case of U.S.
v. Swartwout [4 Cranch (8 U.S.) 75]. If the
supreme court have indeed extended
the doctrine of treason further than it has
heretofore been carried by
the judges of England or of this country, their
decision would be submitted
to. At least this court could go no further
than to endeavor again
to bring the point directly before them. It
would, however, be expected
that an opinion which is to overrule all former
precedents, and to establish
a principle never before recognized, should be
expressed in plain and
explicit terms. A mere implication ought not
to prostrate a principle
which seems to have been so well
established. Had the intention been
entertained to make so material a change in this
respect, the court ought
to have expressly declared that any assemblage of
men whatever, who had
formed a treasonable design, whether in force or
not, whether in a condition
to attempt the design or not, whether attended
with warlike appearances
or not, constitutes the fact of levying war.
Yet no declaration to
this amount is made. Not an expression of
the kind is to be found
in the opinion of the supreme court. The
foundation on which
this argument rests is the omission of the court
to state that the assemblage
which constitutes the fact of levying war ought to
be in force, and some
passages which show that the question respecting
the nature of the assemblage
was not in the mind of the court when the opinion
was drawn; which passages
are mingled with others which at least show that
there was no intention
to depart from the course of the precedents in
cases of treason by levying
war. Every opinion, to be correctly
understood, ought to be considered
with a view to the case in which it was
delivered. In the case of
the United States against Bollman and Swartwout,
there was no evidence
that even two men had ever met for the
purpose of executing the plan
in which those persons were charged with having
participated. It
was, therefore, sufficient for the court to say
that unless men were assembled,
war could not be levied. That case was
decided by this declaration.
The court might indeed have defined the species of
assemblage which would
amount to levying of war; but, as this opinion was
not a treatise
on treason, but a decision of a particular case,
expressions of doubtful
import should be construed in reference to the
case itself, and the mere
omission to state that a particular circumstance
was necessary to the consummation
of the crime ought not to be construed into a
declaration that the
circumstance was unimportant. General
expressions ought not to be
considered as overruling settled principles,
without a direct declaration
to that effect. After these preliminary
observations, the court will proceed
to examine the opinion which has occasioned them.
The first expression in
it bearing on the
present question is, "To constitute that specific
crime for which the prisoner
now before the court has been committed, war must
be actually levied against
the United States. However flagitious may be
the crime of conspiracy
to subvert by force the government of our
country, such conspiracy
is not treason. To conspire to levy war and
actually to levy war
are distinct offences. The first must be
brought into operation by
the assemblage of men for a purpose treasonable in
itself, or the fact
of levying war cannot have been committed."
Although it is not expressly
stated that the assemblage of men for the purpose
of carrying into operation
the treasonable intent which will amount to
levying war must be an assemblage
in force, yet it is fairly to be inferred from the
context; and nothing
like dispensing with force appears in this
paragraph. The expressions
are, "to constitute the crime, war must be
actually levied." A conspiracy
to levy war is spoken of as "a conspiracy to
subvert by force the
government of our country." Speaking in general
terms of an assemblage
of men for this or for any other purpose, a person
would naturally be understood
as speaking of an assemblage in some degree
adapted to the purpose.
An assemblage to subvert by force the government
of our country, and amounting
to a levying of war, should be an assemblage in
force. In a subsequent
paragraph the court says: "It is not the intention
of the court to say
that no individual can be guilty of this crime who
has not appeared in
arms against his country. On the contrary,
if war be actunally levied,
that is, if a body of men be actually assembled in
order to effect by force
a treasonable purpose, all those who perform any
part, however minute,
&c., and who are actually leagued in the
general conspiracy, are traitors.
But there must be an actual assembling of men for
the treasonable purpose
to constitute a levying of war." The observations
made on the preceding
paragraph apply to this. "A body of men
actually assembled, in order
to effect by force a treasonable purpose,"
must be a body assembled
with such appearance of force as would warrant the
opinion that they were
assembled for the particular purpose. An
assemblage to constitute
an actual levying of war should be an assemblage
with such appearance of
force as would justify the opinion that they met
for the purpose.
This explanation, which is believed to be the
natural, certainly not a
strained explanation of the words, derives some
additional aid from the
terms in which the paragraph last quoted
commences: "It is not the
intention of the court to say that no individual
can be guilty of treason
who has not appeared in arms against his country."
These words seem intended
to obviate an inference which might otherwise have
been drawn from the
preceding paragraph. They indicate that in
the mind of the court
the assemblage stated in that paragraph was an
assemblage in arms; that
the individuals who composed it had appeared in
arms against their country;
that is, in other words, that the assemblage was a
military, a warlike
assemblage.The succeeding paragraph in the opinion
relates to a conspiracy,
and serves to show that force and violence
were in the mind of the
court, and that there was no idea of extending the
crime of treason by
construction beyond the constitutional definition
which had been given
of it.
Returning to the case
actually before the
court, it is said: "A design to overturn the
government of the United States
in New Orleans by force would have been
unquestionably a design which
if carried into execution would have been treason;
and the assemblage of
a body of men for the purpose of carrying it into
execution would amount
to levying to war against the United States." New
what could reasonably
be said to be an assemblage of a body of men for
the purpose of overturning
the government of the United States in New Orleans
by force? Certainly
an assemblage in force; an assemblage prepared,
and intending to act with
force; a military assemblage. The decisions
theretofore made by the
judges of the United States are, then, declared to
be in conformity with
the principles laid down by the supreme
court. Is this declaration
compatible with the idea of departing from those
opinions on a point within
the contemplation of the court? The opinions
of Judge Patterson and
Judge Iredell are said "to imply an actual
assembling of men, though they
rather designed to remark on the purpose to which
the force was to be applied
than on the nature of the force itself." This
observation certainly indicates
that the necessity of an assemblage of men was the
particular point the
court meant to establish, and that the idea of
force was never separated
from this assemblage.
The opinion of Judge
Chase is next quoted
with approbation. This opinion in terms
requires the employment of
force. After stating the verbal
communication said to have been made
by Mr. Swartwout to General Wilkinson, the court
says, "If these words
import that the government of New Orleans was to
be revolutionized by force,
although merely as a step to, or a means of,
executing some greater
projects, the design was unquestionably
treasonable; and any assemblage
of men for that purpose would amount to a levying
of war." The words
"any assemblage of men." if construed to affirm
that any two or three of
the conspirators who might be found together after
this plan had been formed
would be the act of levying war, would certainly
be misconstrued.
The sense of the expression, "any assemblage of
men," is restricted by
the words "for this purpose." Now, could it be in
the contemplation of
the court that a body of men would assemble
for the purpose of revolutionizing
New Orleans by force, who should not themselves be
in force? After
noticing some difference of opinion among the
judges respecting the import
of the words said to have been used by Mr.
Swartwout, the court proceeds
to observe: "But whether this treasonable
intention be really imputable
to the plan or not, it is admitted that it must
have been carried into
execution by an open assemblage for that purpose,
previous to the arrest
of the prisoner, in order to consummate the crime
as to him." Could the
court have conceived "an open assemblage" "for the
purpose of overturning
the government of New Orleans by force," to be
only equivalent to a
secret, furtive assemblage without the appearance
of force?After quoting
the words of Mr. Swartwout, from the affidavit, in
which it was stated
that Mr. Burr was levying an army of 7,000 men,
and observing that the
treason to be inferred from these words
would depend on the intention
with which it was levied, and on the
progress which had been made
in levying it, the court says: "The question,
then, is whether this evidence
prove Colonel Burr to have advanced so far in
levying an army as actually
to have assembled them." Actually to assemble an
army of 7,000 men is unquestionably
to place those who are so assembled in a state of
open force. But
as the mode of expression used in this passage
might be misconstrued so
far as to countenance the opinion that it would be
necessary to assemble
the whole army in order to constitute the fact of
levying war, the court
proceeds to say: "It is argued that since it
cannot be necessary that the
whole 7,000 men should be assembled, their
commencing their march by detachments
to the place of rendezvous must be sufficient to
constitute the crime.
This position is correct with some
qualification. It cannot be necessary
that the whole army should assemble, and that the
various parts which
are to compose it should have combined. But
it is necessary there
should be an actual assemblage; and
therefore this evidence should
make the fact unequivocal.The travelling of
individuals to the place or
rendezvous would, perhaps, not be
sufficient. This would be an equivocal
act, and has no warlike appearance.
The meeting of particular
bodies of men, and their march from places of
partial to a place of general
rendezvous, would be such an assemblage." The
position here stated by the
counsel for the prosecution is that the army
"commencing its march by detachments
to the place of rendezvous (that is, of the army)
must be sufficient to
constitute the crime." This position is not
admitted by the court to be
universally correct. It is said to be
"correct with some qualification."
What is that qualification? "The travelling
of individuals to the
place of rendezvous (and by this term is not to be
understood one individual
by himself, but several individuals, either
separately or together, but
not in military form) would perhaps not be
sufficient." Why not sufficient?
Because, says the court, "this would be an
equivocal act and has no warlike
appearance." The act, then, should be unequivocal
and should have a warlike
appearance. It must exhibit, in the words of
Sir Matthew Hale, speciem
belli, the appearance of war. This
construction is rendered in some
measure necessary when we observe that the court
is qualifying the position,
"that the army commencing their march by
detachments to the place of rendezvous
must be sufficient to constitute the crime." In
qualifying this position
they say, "the travelling of individuals
would perhaps not be sufficient."
Now, a solitary individual travelling to any
point, with any intent, could
not, without a total disregard of language,
be termed a marching
detachment. The court, therefore, must have
contemplated several
individuals travelling together, and the words
being used in reference
to the position they intended to qualify, would
seem to indicate
the distinction between the appearances attending
the usual movement of
a company of men for civil purposes, and that
military movement which might,
in correct language, be denominated
"marching by detachments." The
court then proceeded to say: "The meeting of
particular bodies of men,
and their marching from places of partial to a
place of general rendezvous,
would be such an assemblage."
It is obvious from the
context that the court
must have intended to state a case which would in
itself be unequivocal,
because it would have a warlike appearance.
The case stated is that
of distinct bodies of men assembling at different
places, and marching
from these places of partial to a place of general
rendezvous. When
this has been done an assemblage is produced which
would in itself be unequivocal.
But when is it done? What is the assemblage
here described? The assemblage
formed of the different bodies of partial at a
place of general rendezvous.
In describing the mode of coming to this
assemblage the civil term "travelling"
is dropped, and the military term "marching" is
employed. If this
were intended as a definition of an
assemblage which would amount
to levying war, the definition requires an
assemblage at a place of general
rendezvous, composed of bodies of men who had
previously assembled at places
of partial rendezvous. But this is not
intended as a definition;
for clearly if there should be no places of
partial rendezvous, if troops
should embody in the first instance in great force
for the purpose of
subverting the government by violence, the act
would be unequivocal; it
would have a warlike appearance; and it would,
according to the opinion
of the supreme court, properly construed, and
according to English authorities,
amount to levying war. But this, though not
a definition, is put
as an example, and surely it may be safely taken
as an example. If
different bodies of men, in pursuance of a
treasonable design, plainly
proved, should assemble in warlike appearance at
places of partial rendezvous,
and should march from those places to a place of
general rendezvous, it
is difficult to conceive how such a transaction
could take place without
exhibiting the appearance of war, without an
obvious display of force.At
any rate, a court in stating generally such a
military assemblage as would
amount to levying war, and having a case before
it in which there
was no assemblage whatever, cannot reasonably be
understood, in putting
such an example, to dispense with those
appearances of war which seem to
be required by the general current of
authorities. Certainly it ought
not to be so understood when it says in express
terms that "it is more
safe as well as more consonant to the
principles of our constitution
that the crime of treason should not be extended
by construction to doubtful
cases; and that crimes not clearly within the
constitutional definition
should receive such punishment as the legislature
in its wisdom may provide."
After this analysis of
the opinion of the
supreme court, it will be observed that the
direct question, whether
an assemblage of men which might be
construed to amount to a levying
of war must appear in force or in military form,
was not in argument
or in fact before the court, and does not appear
to have been in terms
decided. The opinion seems to have been
drawn without particularly
adverting to this question; and, therefore, upon a
transient view of particular
expression, might inspire the idea that a display
of force, that appearances
of war, were not necessary ingredients to
constitute the fact of
levying war. But upon a more intent
and more accurate investigation
of this opinion, although the terms force and
violence are not employed
as descriptive of the assemblage, such requisites
are declared to be indispensable
as can scarcely exist without the appearance of
war and the existence of
real force. It is said that war must
be levied in fact; that
the object must be one which is to be effected by
force; that the assemblage
must be such as to prove that this is its object;
that it must not be an
equivocal act, without a warlike appearance; that
it must be an open assemblage
for the purpose of force. In the course of
this opinion, decisions
are quoted and approved which require the
employment of force to constitute
the crime. It seems extremely difficult, if
not impossible, to reconcile
these various declarations with the idea that the
supreme court considered
a secret, unarmed meeting, although that meeting
be of conspirators,
and although it met with a treasonable intent, as
an actual levying of
war. Without saying that the assemblage must be in
force or in warlike
form, it expresses itself so as to show that this
idea was never discarded;
and it uses terms which cannot be otherwise
satisfied. The opinion
of a single judge certainly weighs as nothing if
opposed to that of the
supreme court; but if he were one of the judges
who assisted in framing
that opinion, if while the impression under which
it was framed was yet
fresh upon his mind he delivered an opinion on the
same testimony, not
contradictory to that which had been given by all
the judges together,
but showing the sense in which he understood terms
that might be differently
expounded, it may fairly be said to be in some
measure explanatory of the
opinion itself. To the judge before whom the
charge against
the prisoner at the bar was first brought the same
testimony was offered
with that which had been exhibited before the
supreme court; and he was
required to give an opinion in almost the same
case. Upon this occasion
he said "war can only be levied by the employment
of actual force.
Troops must be embodied, men must be
assembled, in order to levy
war." Again he observed: "The fact to be proved in
this case is an act
of public notoriety. It must exist in the
view of the world, or it
cannot exist at all. The assembling of
forces to levy war is a visible
transaction; and numbers must witness it." It is
not easy to doubt what
kind of assemblage was in the mind of the judge
who used these expressions;
and it is to be recollected that he had just
returned from the supreme
court, and was speaking on the very facts on which
the opinion of that
court was delivered. The same judge, in his
charge to the grand jury
who found this bill, boserved: "To constitute the
fact of levying war it
is not necessary that hostilities shall have
actually commenced by engaging
the military force of the United States, or
that measures of violence
against the government shall have been carried
into execution. But
levying war is a fact, in the constitution
of which force is an indispensable
ingredient. Any combination to subvert by
force the government of
the United States, violently to dismember the
Union, to compel a change
in the administration, to coerce the repeal or
adoption of a general law,
is a conspiracy to levy war; and if the conspiracy
be carried into effect
by the actual employment of force, by the
embodying and assembling of men
for the purpose of executing the treasonable
design which was previously
conceived, it amounts to levying of war. It
has been held that arms
are not essential to levying war, provided the
force assembled to sufficient
to attain, or, perhaps, to justify
attempting the object without
them." This paragraph is immediately followed by a
reference to the opinion
of the supreme court.
It requires no commentary
upon these words
to show that, in the opinion of the judge who
uttered them, an assemblage
of men which should constitute the fact of levying
war must be an assemblage
in force, and that he so understood the opinion of
the supreme court.
If in that opinion there may be found in some
passages a want of precision,
and an indefiniteness of expression, which has
occasioned it to be differently
understood by different persons, that may well be
accounted for when it
is recollected that in the particular case there
was no assemblage whatever.
In expounding that opinion the whole should be
taken together, and in reference
to the particular case in which it was
delivered. It is, however,
not improbable that the misunderstanding has
arisen from this circumstance:
The court unquestionably did not consider arms as
an indispensable requisite
to levying war. An assemblage adapted to the
object might be in a
condition to effect or to attempt it without them.
Nor did the court consider
the actual application of the force to the object
as at all times an indispensable
requisite; for an assemblage might be in a
condition to apply force, might
be in a state adapted to real war, without having
made the actual application
of that force. From these positions,
which are to be found
in the opinion, it may have been inferred,
it is though too hastily,
that the nature of the assemblage was unimportant,
and that war might be
considered as actually levied by any meeting
of men, if a criminal
intention can be imputed to them by testimony of
any kind whatever.
It has been thought
proper to discuss this
question at large, and to review the opinion of
the supreme court, although
this court would be more disposed to leave the
question of fact, whether
an overt act of levying war were committed on
Blennerhassett's Island to
the jury, under this explanation of the law,
and to instruct them
that unless the assemblage on Blennerhassett's
Island was an assemblage
in force, was a military assemblage in a condition
to make war, it was
not a hevying of war, and that they could not
construe it into an act of
war, than to arrest the further testimony which
might be offered to connect
the prisoner with that assemblage, or to prove the
intention of those who
assembled together at that place. This
point, however, is not to
be understood as decided. It will, perhaps,
constitute an essential
inquiry in another case.
Before leaving the
opinion of the supreme
court entirely, on the question of the
nature of the assemblage which
will constitute an act of levying war, this court
cannot forbear to ask,
why is an assemblage absolutely required? It
it not to judge in some
measure of the end by the proportion which the
means bear to the end? Why
is it that a single armed individual entering a
boat, and sailing down
the Ohio for the avowed purpose of attacking New
Orleans, could not be
said to levy war? Is it not that he is apparently
not in a condition to
levy war? If this be so, ought not the
assemblage to furnish
some evidence of its intention and capacity to
levy war before it can amount
to levying war? And ought not the supreme
court, when speaking of
an assemblage for the purpose of effecting a
treasonable object by force,
be understood to indicate an assemblage exhibiting
the appearance of force?
The definition of the attorney for the United
States deserves notice in
this respect. It is, "When there is an
assemblage of men, convened
for the purpose of effecting by force a
treasonable object, which
force is meant to be employed before the
assemblage disperses, this is
treason." To read this definition without
adverting to the argument, we
should infer that the assemblage was itself to
effect by force the treasonable
object, not to join itself to some other dodies of
men and then to effect
the object by their combined force. Under
this construction, it would
be expected the appearance of the assemblage would
bear some proportion
to the object, and would indicate the intention;
at any rate, that it would
be an assemblage in force. This construction
is most certainly not
that which was intended; but it serves to
show that general phrases
must always be understood in reference to the
subject-matter and to the
general principles of law.
On that division of the
subject which respects
the merits of the case connected with the
pleadings, two points are also
made: 1st. That this indictment, having charged
the prisoner with levying
war on Blennerhassett's Island, and containing no
other overt act, cannot
be supported by proof that war was levied at that
place by other persons
in the absence of the prisoner, even admitting
those persons to be connected
with him in one common treasonable
conspiracy. 2dly. That admitting
such an indictment could be supported by
such evidence, the previous
conviction of some person, who committed the act
which is said to amount
to levying war, is indispensable to the conviction
of a person who advised
or procured that act.
As to the first point,
the indictment contains
two counts, one of which charges that the
prisoner, with a number of persons
unknown, levied war on Blennerhassett's Island, in
the county of Wood,
in the district of Virginia; and the other adds
the circumstance of their
proceeding from that island down the river for the
purpose of seizing New
Orleans by force. In point of fact, the
prisoner was not on Blennerhassett's
Island, nor in the county of Wood, nor in the
district of Virginia.
In considering this point, the court is led
first to inquire whether
an indictment for levying war must specify an
overt act, or would be sufficient
if it merely charged the prisoner in general terms
with having levied war,
omitting the expression of place or
circumstance. The place in which
a crime was committed is essential to an
indictment, were it only to show
the jurisdiction of the court. It is, also,
essential for the purpose
of enabling the prisoner to make his
defence. That at common law
an indictment would have been defective
which did not mention the
place in which the crime was committed can
scarcely be doubted. For
this, it is sufficient to refer to Hawk. P.C. bk.
2, c. 25, @ 84, and Id.
chapter 23, @ 91. This necessity is rendered
the stronger by the
constitutional provision that the offender "shall
be tried in the state
and district wherein the crime shall have been
committed," and by the act
of congress which requires that twelve petit
jurors at least shall be summoned
from the county where the offence was
committed. A description of
the particular manner in which the war was
levied seems, also, essential
to enable the accused to make his defence.
The law does not expect
a man to be prepared to defend every act of his
life which may be suddenly
and without notice alleged against him.In common
justice, the particular
fact with which he is charged ought to be stated,
and stated in such a
manner as to afford a reasonable certainty of the
nature of the accusation
and the circumstances which will be adduced
against him. The general
doctrine on the subject of indictments is full to
this point. Foster
(Crown Law, p. 194), speaking of the treason for
compassing the king's
death, says: "From what has been said, it
followeth that in every indictment
for this species of treason, and, indeed, for
levying war and adhering
to the king's enemies, an overt act must be
alleged and proved. For the
overt act is the charge to which the prisoner must
apply his defence."
In page 220 Foster repeats this declaration.
It is, also, laid down
in Hawk. P.C. bk. 8, c. 17, @ 29; 1 Hale, P.C.
121; 1 East, P.C. 116, and
by the other authorities cited, especially
Vaughan's Case. In corroboration
of this opinion, it may be observed that treason
can only be established
by the proof of overt acts, and that by the common
law as well as by the
statute of 7 Wm. III. those overt acts only which
are charged in the indictment
can be given in evidence, unless, perhaps, as
corroborative testimony after
the overt acts are proved. That clause in the
constitution, too, which
says that in all criminal prosecutions the accused
shall enjoy the right
"to be informed of the nature and cause of the
accusation," is considered
as having a direct bearing on this point. It
secures to him such
information as will enable him to prepare for his
defence. It seems,
then, to be perfectly clear that it would not be
sufficient for an
indictment to allege generally that the accused
had levied war against
the United States. The charge must be more
particularly specified
by laying what is termed an overt act of levying
war. The law relative
to an appeal as cited from Stamford, is strongly
corroborative of this
If it be necessary to
specify the charge in
the indictment, it would seem to follow,
irresistibly, that the charge
must be proved as laid. All the authorities
which require an overt
act, require also that this overt act should
be proved. The
decision in Vaughan's Case is particularly in
point. Might it be
otherwise, the charge of an overt act would be a
mischief instead of an
advantage to the accused. It would lead him
from the true cause and
nature of the accusation, instead of informing him
respecting it.
But it is contended on the part of the
prosecution that, although
the accused had never been with the party which
assembled at Blennerhassett's
Island, and was, at that time, at a great
distance, and in a different
state, he was yet legally present, and, therefore,
may properly be charged
in the indictment as being present in fact. It is,
therefore, necessary
to inquire whether in this case the doctrine of
constructive presence can
apply. It is conceived by the court to be
possible that a person
may be concerned in a treasonable conspiracy, and
yet be legally as well
as actually absent while some one act of the
treason is perpetrated.
If a rebellion should be so extensive as to spread
through every state
in the Union, it will scarcely be contended that
every individual concerned
in it is legally present at every overt act
committed in the course of
that rebellion. It would be a very violent
presumption indeed, too violent
to be made without clear authority, to presume
that even the chief of the
rebel army was legally present at every such overt
act. If the main
rebel army, with the chief at its head,
should be prosecuting war
at one extremity of our territory, say in New
Hampshire; if this chief
should be there captured and sent to the other
extremity for the purpose
of trial; if his indictment, instead of alleging
an overt act which was
true in point of fact, should allege that he had
assembled some small party
which in truth he had not seen, and had levied war
by engaging in
a skirmish in Georgia at a time when, in reality,
he was fighting a battle
in New Hampshire; if such evidence would support
such an indictment by
the fiction that he was legally present,
though really absent, all
would ask to what purpose are those provisions in
the constitution, which
direct the place of trial and ordain that the
accused shall be informed
of the nature and cause of the accusation?
But that a man may be
legally absent who has counselled or procured a
treasonable act is proved
by all those books which treat upon the subject,
and which concur in declaring
that such a person is a principal traitor, not
because he was legally present,
but because in treason all are principals. Yet the
indictment, speaking
upon general principles, would charge him
according to the truth of the
case. Lord Coke says: "If many conspire to
levy war, and some of
them do levy the same according to the conspiracy,
this is high treason
in all." Why? because all were legally present
when the war was levied?
No. "For in treason," continues Lord Coke,
"all be principals, and
war is levied." In this case the indictment,
reasoning from analogy, would
not charge that the absent conspirators were
present, but would state the
truth of the case. If the conspirator had
done nothing which amounted
to levying of war, and if by our constitution the
doctrine that an accessory
becomes a principal be not adopted, in consequence
of which the conspirator
could not be condemned under an indictment stating
the truth of the case,
it would be going very far to say that this
defect, if it be termed one,
may be cured by an indictment stating the case
This doctrine of Lord
Coke has been adopted
by all subsequent writers, and it is generally
laid down in the English
books that whatever will make a man an accessory
in felony, will make him
a principal in treason; but it is nowhere
suggested that he is by construction
to be considered as present when in point of fact
he was absent.
Foster has been particularly quoted, and certainly
he is precisely in point.
"It is well known," says Foster, "that in the
language of the law there
are no accessories in high treason; all are
principals. Every instance
of incitement, aid, or protection, which in the
case of felony will render
a man an accessory before or after the fact, in
the case of high treason,
whether it be treason at common law or by statute,
will make him a principal
in treason." The cases of incitement and aid are
cases put as examples
of a man's becoming a principal in treason, not
because he was legally
present, but by force of that maxim in the
common law, that whatever
will render a man an accessory at common law will
render him a principal
in treason. In other passages the words
"command" or "procure" are
used to indicate the same state of things; that
is, a treasonable assemblage
produced by a man who is not himself in that
assemblage. In point
of law, then, the man who incites, aids, or
procures a treasonable act,
is not, merely in consequence of that incitement,
aid, or procurement,
legally present when that act is committed.
If it do not result,
from the nature of the crime, that all who are
concerned in it are legally
present at every overt act, then each case depends
upon its own circumstances;
and to judge how far the circumstances of any case
can make him legally
present, who is in fact absent, the doctrine of
constructive presence must
be examined.
Hale in volume 1, p. 615,
says: "Regularly
no man can be a principal in felony unless he be
present." In the same
page he says: "An accessory before is he
that, being absent at the
time of the felony committed, doth yet procure,
counsel, or command another
to commit a felony." The books are full of
passages which state this
to be the law. Foster, in showing what acts
of concurrence will make
a man a principal, says: "He must be present at
the perpetration, otherwise
he can be no more than an accessory before the
fact." These strong distinctions
would be idle, at any rate they would be
inapplicable to treason, if they
were to be entirely lost in the doctrine of
constructive presence. Foster
adds (page 349): "When the law requireth the
presence of the accomplice
at the perpetration of the fact in order to render
him a principal, it
doth not require a strict actual immediate
presence, such a presence
as would make him an eye or ear witness of what
passeth." The terms used
by Foster are such as would be employed by a
man intending to show
the necessity that the absent person should be
near at hand, although from
the nature of the thing no precise distance could
be marked out.
An inspection of the cases from which Foster drew
that general principle
will serve to illustrate it. Hale, P.C. p.
439. In all
these cases, put by Hale, the whole party set out
together to commit the
very fact charged in the indictment; or to commit
some other unlawful act,
in which they are all to be personally concerned
at the same time and place,
and are, at the very time when the criminal
fact is committed, near
enough to give actual personal aid and assistance
to the man who perpetrated
it. Hale, in page 449, giving the reason for
the decision in the
case of the Lord Dacre, says: "They all came with
an intent to steal the
deer; and consequently the law supposes that they
came all with the intent
to oppose all that should hinder them in that
design." The original case
says this was their resolution. This
opposition would be a personal
opposition. This case, even as stated by
Hale, would clearly not
comprehend any man who entered into the
combination, but who, instead of
going to the park where the murder was committed,
should not set out
with the others, should go to a different park, or
should even lose his
way. In both these cases stated in Hale,
P.C. p. 534, the persons
actually set out together, and were nearenough to
assist in the commission
of the fact. That in the Case of
Pudsey the felony was, as
stated by Hale, a different felony from that
originally intended, is unimportant
in regard to the particular principle now under
consideration; so far as
respected distance, as respected capacity to
assist in case of resistance,
it is the same as if the robbery had been that
which was originally designed.The
case in the original report shows that the felony
committed was in fact
in pursuance of that originally designed.
Foster (page 350) plainly
supposes the same particular design, not a general
design composed of many
particular distinct facts. He supposes them
to be co-operating with
respect to that particular design. This may
be illustrated by a case
which is, perhaps, common. Suppose a band of
robbers confederated
for the general purpose of robbing.
They set out together,
or in parties, to rob a particular
individual; and each performs
the part assigned to him. Some ride up to
the individual, and demand
his purse. Others watch out of sight to
intercept those who might
be coming to assist the man on whom the robbery is
to be committed.
If murder or robbery actually take place, all are
principals; and all in
construction of law are present. But suppose
they set out at the
same time or at different times, by different
roads, to attack and rob
different individuals or different companies; to
commit distinct acts of
robbery. It has never been contended that
those who committed one
act of robbery, or who failed altogether, were
constructively present at
the act of those who were associated with them in
the common object of
robbery, who were to share the plunder, but who
did not assist at the particular
fact. They do, indeed, belong to the general
party; but they are
not of the particular party which committed this
fact. Foster concludes
this subject by observing that "in order to
render a person an accomplice
and a principal in felony, he must be aiding and
abetting at the fact,
or ready to afford assistance if necessary:" that
is, at the particular
fact which is charged. He must be ready to
render assistance to those
who are committing that fact. He must, as is
stated by Hawkins, be
ready to give immediate and direct
assistance. All the cases
to be found in the books go to the same
point. Let them be applied
to that under consideration.
The whole treason laid in
this indictment
is the levying of war in Blennerhassett's Island;
and the whole question
to which the inquiry of the court is now directed
is whether the prisoner
was legally present at that fact. I say this
is the whole question;
because the prisoner can only be convicted
on the overt act laid
in the indictment. With respect to this
prosecution, it is as if
no other overt act existed. If other overt
acts can be inquired into,
it is for the sole purpose of proving the
particular fact charged.
It is an evidence of the crime consisting of this
particular fact, not
as establishing the general crime by a distinct
fact. The counsel
for the prosecution have charged those engaged in
the defence with considering
the overt act as treason, whereas it ought
to be considered solely
as the evidence of the treason; but the counsel
for the prosecution seem
themselves not to have sufficiently adverted to
this clear principle; that
though the overt act may not be itself the
treason, it is the sole act
of that treason which can produce
conviction. It is the sole point
in issue between the parties. And the only
division of that point,
if the expression be allowed, which the court is
now examining, is the
constructive presence of the prisoner at the fact
To return, then, to the
application of the
cases. Had the prisoner set out with the
party from Beaver for Blennerhassett's
Island, or perhaps had he set out for that place,
though not from Beaver,
and had arrived in the island, he would have been
present at the fact.
Had he not arrived in the island, but had taken a
position near enough
to co-operate with those on the island, to assist
them in any act of hostility,
or to aid them if attacked, the question whether
he was constructively
present would be a question compounded of law and
fact, which would be
decided by the jury, with the aid of the court, so
far as respected the
law. In this case the accused would have
been of the particular party
assembled on the island, and would have been
associated with them in the
particular act of levying war said to have been
committed on the island.
But if he was not with the party at any time
before they reached the island;
if he did not join them there, or intend to
join them there; if his
personal co-operation in the general plan was to
be afforded elsewhere,
at a great distance, in a different state; if the
overt acts of treason
to be performed by him were to be distinct
overt acts -- then he
was not of the particular party assembled at
Blennerhassett's Island, and
was not constructively present, aiding and
assisting in the particular
act which was there committed. The testimony
on this point, so far
as it has been delivered, is not equivocal.
There is not only no
evidence that the accused was of the particular
party which assembled on
Blennerhassett's Island, but the whole evidence
shows he was not of that
party. In felony, then, admitting the crime
to have been completed
on the island, and to have been advised, procured,
or commanded by the
accused, he would have been incontestably an
accessory and not a
principal. But in treason, it is said, the
law is otherwise, because
the theatre of action is more extensive. The
reasoning applies in
England as strongly as in the United States.
While in '15 and
'45 the family of Stuart sought to regain the
crown they had forfeited,
the struggle was for the whole kingdom, yet
no man was ever considered
as legally present at one place, when actually at
another; or as aiding
in one transaction while actually employed
in another. With
the perfect knowledge that the whole nation may be
the theatre of action,
the English books unite in declaring that he who
counsels, procures, or
aids treason, is guilty accessorially, and
solely in virtue of the
common law principle that what will make a man an
accessory in felony
makes him a principal in treason. So far
from considering a man as
constructively present at every overt act of the
general treason in which
he may have been concerned, the whole doctrine of
the books limits the
proof against him to those particular overt acts
of levying war with he
is charged. What would be the effect of a
different doctrine? Clearly that
which has been stated. If a person levying war in
Kentucky may be said
to be constructively present and assembled with a
party carrying on war
in Virginia at a great distance from him, then he
is present at every overt
act performed anywhere. He may be tried in
any state on the continent,
where any overt act has been committed.He may be
proved to be guilty of
an overt act laid in the indictment in which he
had no personal participation,
by proving that he advised it, or that he
committed other acts. This
is, perhaps, too extravagant to be in terms
maintained. Certainly
it cannot be supported by the doctrines of the
English law.
The opinion of Judge
Patterson in Mitchell's
Case has been cited on this point, 2 Dall. [2
U.S.] 348. The indictment
is not specially stated, but from the case as
reported, it must have been
either general for levying war in the county of
Allegany, and the overt
act must have been the assemblage of men and
levying of war in that county,
or it must have given a particular detail of
the treasonable transactions
in that county. The first supposition is the
most probable, but let
the indictment be in the one form or the other,
and the result is the same.
The facts of the case are that a large body of
men, of whom Mitchell was
one, assembled at Braddock's field, in the county
of Allegany, for the
purpose of committing acts of violence at
Pittsburg; that there was also
an assemblage at a different time at Couch's fort,
at which the prisoner
also attended. The general and avowed object
of that meeting was
to concert measures for resisting the execution of
a public law.
At Couch's fort the resolution was taken to attack
the house of the inspector,
and the body there assembled marched to that house
and attacked it.
It was proved by the competent number of witnesses
that he was at Couch's
fort armed; that he offered to reconnoitre
the house to be attacked;
that he marched with the insurgents towards the
house; that he was with
them after the action attending the body of one of
his comrades who was
killed in it. One witness swore positively
that he was present at
the burning of the house; and a second witness
said that "it run in his
head that he had seen him there." That a doubt
should exist in such a case
as this is strong evidence of the necessity
that the overt act should
be unequivocally proved by two witnesses.
But what was the opinion
of the judge in this
case? Couch's fort and Neville's house being
in the same county,
the assemblage having been at Couch's fort,
and the resolution to
attack the house having been there taken, the body
having for the avowed
purpose moved in execution of that resolution
towards the house to
be attacked, he inclined to think that the act of
marching was in itself
levying war. If it was, then the overt act
laid in the indictment
was consummated by the assemblage at Couch's and
the marching from thence;
and Mitchell was proved to be guilty by more than
two positive witnesses.
But without deciding this to be the law, he
proceeded to consider the meeting
at Couch's, the immediate marching to Neville's
house, and the attack and
burning of the house, as one transaction.
Mitchell was proved by
more than two positive witnesses to have been in
that transaction, to have
taken an active part in it; and the judge
declared it to be unnecessary
that all should have seen him at the same time and
place. But suppose
not a single witness had proved Mitchell to have
been at Couch's, or on
the march, or at Neville's. Suppose he had
been at the time
notoriously absent in a different state. Can
it be believed by any
person who observes the caution with which Judge
Patterson required the
constitutional proof of two witnesses to the same
overt act, that he would
have said Mitchell was constructively
present, and might, on that
straining of a legal fiction, be found guilty of
treason? Had he
delivered such an opinion, what would have been
the language of this country
respecting it? Had he given this opinion, it
would have required
all the correctness of his life to strike his name
from that bloody list
in which the name of Jeffreys is enrolled.
But to estimate the
opinion in Mitchell's
Case, let its circumstances be transferred to
Burr's Case. Suppose the
body of men assembled in Blennerhassett's Island
had previously met at
some other place in the same county; that Burr had
been proved to be with
them by four witnesses; that the resolution to
march to Blennerhassett's
Island for a treasonable purpose had been there
taken; that he had been
seen on the march with them; that one witness had
seen him on the island;
that another thought he had seen him there; that
he had been seen with
the party directly after leaving the island; that
this indictment had charged
the levying of war in Wood county generally -- the
cases would, then, have
been precisely parallel; and the decision
would have been the same.
In conformity with principle and with authority,
then, the prisoner at
the bar was neither legally nor actually present
at Blennerhassett's Island;
and the court is strongly inclined to the opinion
that without proving
an actual or legal presence by two witnesses, the
overt act laid in this
indictment cannot be proved.
But this opinion is
controverted on two grounds:
The first is, that the indictment does not charge
the prisoner to have
been present. The second, that
although he was absent, yet
if he caused the assemblage, he may be indicted as
being present, and convicted
on evidence that he caused the treasonable act.
The first position is to
be decided by the indictment itself. The
court understands the allegation
differently from the attorney for the United
States. The court understands
it to be directly charged that the prisoner did
assemble with the multitude,
and did march with them. Nothing will more
clearly test this construction
than putting the case into a shape which it may
possibly take. Suppose
the law be that the indictment would be defective
unless it alleged the
presence of the person indicted at the act of
treason. If, upon a
special verdict, facts should be found which
amounted to a levying of war
by the accused, and his counsel should insist that
he could not be condemned
because the indictment was defective in not
charging that he was himself
one of the assemblage which constituted the
treason, or because it alleged
the procurement defectively, would the
attorney admit this construction
of his indictment to be correct? I am
persuaded he would not,
and that he ought not to make such a
concession. If, after a verdict,
the indictment ought to be construed to allege
that the prisoner was one
of the assemblage at Blennerhassett's Island, it
ought to be so construed
now. But this is unimportant; for if the
indictment alleges
that the prisoner procured the assemblage, that
procurement becomes part
of the overt act, and must be proved, as
will be shown hereafter.
The second position is founded on 1 Hale,
P.C. 214, 288, and 1 East,
P.C. 127.
While I declare that this
doctrine contradicts
every idea I had ever entertained on the subject
of indictments, (since
it admits that one case may be stated, and a very
different case may be
proved,) I will acknowledge that it is
countenanced by the authorities
adduced in its support. To counsel or advise
a treasonable
assemblage, and to be one of that assemblage, are
certainly distinct acts,
and, therefore, ought not to be charged as the
same act. The great
objection to this mode of proceeding is, that the
proof essentially varies
from the charge in the character and essence
of the offence, and
in the testimony by which the accused is to
defend himself.
These dicta of Lord Hale, therefore, taken in the
extent in which they
are understood by the counsel for the United
States, seem to be repugnant
to the declarations we find everywhere that an
overt act must be laid,
and must be proved. No case is cited by Hale
in support of them,
and I am strongly inclined to the opinion that had
the public received
his corrected instead of his original manuscript,
they would, if not expunged,
have been restrained in their application to cases
of a particular description.
Laid down generally, and applied universally to
all cases of treason, they
are repugnant to the principles for which Hale
contends, for which all
the elementary writers contend, and from which
courts have in no case,
either directly reported or referred to in the
books, ever departed.
These principles are, that the indictment
must give notice of the
offence; that the accused is only bound to answer
the particular charge
which the indictment contains, and that the overt
act laid is that particular
charge. Under such circumstances, it is only
doing justice to Hale
to examine his dicta, and if they admit of being
understood in a limited
sense, not repugnant to his own doctrines nor to
the general principles
of law, to understand them in that sense.
"If many conspire
to counterfeit, or counsel or abet it, and one of
them doth the fact upon
that counselling or conspiracy, it is treason in
all, and they may be all
indicted for counterfeiting generally within this
statute, for in such
case in treason all are principals." This is laid
down as applicable singly
to the treason of counterfeiting the coin, and is
not applied by Hale to
other treasons. Had he designed to apply the
principle universally
he would have stated it as a general proposition;
he would have laid it
down in treating on other branches of the statute
as well as in the chapter
respecting the coin; he would have laid it down
when treating on indictments
generally. But he has done neither.
Every sentiment bearing
in any manner on this point, which is to be found
in Lord Hale while on
the doctrine of levying war or on the general
doctrine of indictments,
militates against the opinion that he considered
the proposition as more
extensive than he has declared it to be. No
court could be justified
in extending the dictum of a judge beyond its
terms to cases which he had
expressly treated, in which he has not himself
applied it, and on which
he, as well as others, has delivered opinions
which that dictum would overrule.
This would be the less justifiable if there
should be a clear legal
distinction indicated by the very terms in which
the judge has expressed
himself between the particular case to which alone
he has applied the dictum
and other cases to which the court is required to
extend it.There is this
clear legal distinction: "They may," says Judge
Hale, "be indicted for
counterfeiting generally." But if many conspire
to levy war, and
some actually levy it, they may not be indicted
for levying war generally.
The books concur in declaring that they cannot be
so indicted. A
special overt act of levying war must be
laid. This distinction between
counterfeiting the coins and that class of
treasons among which levying
war is placed is taken in the statute of Edward
III. That statute
requires an overt act of levying war to be laid in
the indictment, and
does not require an overt act of counterfeiting
the coin to be laid.
If in a particular case, in which a general
indictment is sufficient, it
be stated that the crime may be charged generally
according to the legal
effect of the act, it does not follow that in
other cases, where a general
indictment would not be sufficient, where an
overt act must be laid,
that this overt act need not be laid according to
the real fact.
Hale, then, is to be reconciled to himself and
with the general principles
of the law only by permitting the limits which he
has himself given to
his own dictum to remain where he has placed
them. In page 238, Hale
is speaking generally to the receiver of a
traitor, and is stating in what
such a receiver partakes of an accessory: 1st.
"His indictment must be
special of the receipt, and not generally that he
did the thing, which
may be otherwise in case of one that is procurer,
counsellor, or consenter."
The words "may be otherwise" do not clearly
convey the idea that
it is universally otherwise. In all cases of
a receiver, the indictment
must be special on the receipt, and not
general. The words "may be
otherwise in case of a procurer," &c., signify
that it may be otherwise
in all treasons, or that it may be otherwise in
some treasons. If
it may be otherwise in some treasons without
contradicting the doctrines
of Hale himself as well as of other writers, but
cannot be otherwise in
all treasons without such contradiction, the fair
construction is, that
Hale used these words in their restricted sense;
that he used them in reference
to treasons in which a general indictment would
lie, not to treasons
where a general indictment would not lie, but an
overt act of the treason
must be charged. The two passages of Hale
thus construed may, perhaps,
be law, and may leave him consistent with
himself. It appears to
the court to be the fair way of construing them.
These observations
relative to the passages
quoted from Hale apply to that quoted from East,
who obviously copies from
Hale and relies upon his authority. Upon
this point, J. Kelyng, 26,
and 1 Hale, P.C. p. 626, have also been relied
upon. It is stated
in both that if a man be indicted as a principal
and acquitted, he cannot
afterwards be indicted as an accessory before the
fact -- whence it is
inferred, not without reason, that evidence of
accessorial guilt may be
received on such an indictment. Yet no case
is found in which the
question has been made and decided. The
objection has never been
taken at a trial and overruled, nor do the books
say it would be overruled.
Were such a case produced its application would be
Kelyng says an accessory before the fact is quodam
modo in some manner
guilty of the fact. The law may not require
that the manner should
be stated, for in felony it does not require
that an overt act should
be laid. The indictment, therefore, may be
general; but an overt
act of levying war must be laid. These
cases, then, prove in their
utmost extent no more than the cases previously
cited from Hale and East.
This distinction between indictments which
may state the fact generally,
and those which must lay it specially, bear some
analogy to a general and
a special action on the case. In a general
action the declaration
may lay the assumpsit according to the legal
effect of the transaction,
but in a special action on the case the
declaration must state the material
circumstances truly, and they must be proved as
stated. This distinction
also derives some aid from a passage in Hale (page
625) immediately preceding
that which has been cited at the bar. He says: "If
A be indicted as principal
and B as accessory before or after, and both
be acquitted, yet B
may be indicted as principal, and the former
acquittal as accessory
is no bar." The crimes, then, are not the same,
and may not indifferently
be tried under the same indictment.But why is it
that an acquittal as principal
may be pleaded in bar to an indictment as
accessory, while an acquittal
as accessory may not be pleaded in bar to an
indictment as principal?
If it be answered that the accessorial crime may
be given in evidence on
an indictment as principal, but that the principal
crime may not be given
in evidence on an indictment as accessory, the
question recurs, on what
legal ground does this distinction stand? I
can imagine only this:
an accessory being quodam modo a principal in
indictments where the law
does not require the manner to be stated, which
need not be special, evidence
of accessorial guilt, if the punishment be the
same, may possibly be received;
but every indictment as accessory must be
special. The very allegation
that he is an accessory must be a special
allegation, and must show
how be became an accessory. The charges
of this special indictment,
therefore, must be proved as laid, and no evidence
which proves the crime
in a form substantially different can be
received. If this be the
legal reason for the distinction, it supports the
exposition of these dicta
which has been given. If it be not the legal
reason, I can conceive
no other.
But suppose the law to be
as is contended
by the counsel for the United States.
Suppose an indictment charging
an individual with personally assembling among
others, and thus levying
war, may be satisfied with the proof that he
caused the assemblage.
What effect will this law have upon this
case? The guilt of the accused,
if there be any guilt, does not consist in the
assemblage, for he was not
a member of it. The simple fact of
assemblage no more affects one
absent man than another. His guilt, then,
consists in procuring the
assemblage, and upon this fact depends his
criminality. The proof
relative to the character of an assemblage must be
the same whether a man
be present or absent. In the general, to
charge any individual with
the guilt of an assemblage, the fact of his
presence must be proved; it
constitutes an essential part of the overt
act. If, then, the procurement
be substituted in the place of presence, does it
not also constitute an
essential part of the overt act? Must
it not also be proved?
Must it not be proved in the same manner that
presence must be proved?
If in one case the presence of the individual make
the guilt of the assemblage
his guilt, and in the other case the procurment by
the individual make
the guilt of the assemblage his guilt, then
presence and procurement are
equally component parts of the overt act, and
equally require two witnesses.
Collateral points may, say the books, be proved
according to the course
of the common law; but is this a collateral
point? Is the fact, without
which the accused does not participate in the
guilt of the assemblage if
it was guilty, a collateral point? This
cannot be. The presence
of the party, where presence in necessary, being a
part of the overt act,
must be positively proved by two witnesses.
No presumptive evidence,
no facts from which presence may be
conjectured or inferred, will
satisfy the constitution and the law. If
procurement take the place
of presence and become part of the overt act, then
no presumptive evidence,
no facts from which the procurement may be
conjectured or inferred,
can satisfy the constitution and the law.
The mind is not to be led
to the conclusion that the individual was present
by a train of conjectures,
of inferences, or of reasoning; the fact
must be proved by two witnesses.
Neither, where procurement supplies the want of
presence, is the mind to
be conducted to the conclusion that the
accused procured the assembly
by a train of cojectures or inferences, or of
reasoning; the fact itself
must be proved by two witnesses, and must have
been committed within the
district. If it be said that the advising or
procurement of treason
is a secret transaction, which can scarcely ever
be proved in the manner
required by this opinion, the answer which will
readily suggest itself
is, that the difficulty of proving a fact will not
justify conviction without
proof. Certainly it will not justify
conviction without a direct
and positive witness in a case where the
constitution requires two.
The more correct inference from this circumstance
would seem to be, that
the advising of the fact is not within the
constitutional definition of
the crime. To advise or procure a treason is
in the nature of conspiring
or plotting treason, which is not treason in
itself. If, then, the
doctrines of Kelyng, Hale, and East, be understood
in the sense in which
they are pressed by the counsel for the
prosecution, and are applicable
in the United States, the fact that the accused
procured the assemblage
on Blennerhassett's Island must be proved, not
circumstantially, but positively,
by two witnesses, to charge him with that
assemblage. But there are
still other most important considerations which
must be well weighed before
this doctrine can be applied to the United States.
The 8th amendment to the
constitution has
been pressed with great force, and it is
impossible not to feel its
application to this point. The accused
cannot be said to be
"informed of the nature and cause of the
accusation" unless the indictment
give him that notice which may reasonably suggest
to him the point on which
the accusation turns, so that he may know the
course to be pursued in his
defence. It is also well worthy of
consideration, that this doctrine,
so far as it respects treason, is entirely
supported by the operation of
the common law, which is said to convert the
accessory before the fact
into the principal, and to make the act of the
principal his act.
The accessory before the fact is not said to
have levied war.
He is not said to be guilty under the statute, but
the common law attaches
to him the guilt of that fact which he has advised
or procured; and, as
contended, makes it his act. This is the
operation of the common
law, not the operation of the statute. It is
an operation, then,
which can only be performed where the common law
exists to perform it.
It is the creature of the common law, and the
creature presupposes its
creator. To decide, then, that this doctrine
is applicable to the
United States would seem to imply the decision
that the United States,
as a nation, have a common law which creates and
defines the punishment
of crimes accessorial in their nature. It
would imply the further
decision that these accessorial crimes are not, in
the case of treason,
excluded by the definition of treason given in the
I will not pretend that I have not individually an
opinion on these points;
but it is one which I should give only in a case
which absolutely
required it, unless I could confer respecting it
with the judges of the
supreme court.
I have said that this
doctrine cannot apply
to the United States without implying those
decisions respecting the common
law which I have stated; because, should it be
true, as is contended, that
the constitutional definition of treason
comprehends him who advises or
procures an assemblage that levies war, it would
not follow that such adviser
or procurer might be charged as having been
present at the assemblage.
If the adviser or procurer be within the
definition of levying war, and,
independent of the agency of the common law,
do actually levy war,
then the advisement or procurement is an overt act
of levying war.
If it be the overt act on which he is to be
convicted, then it must be
charged in the indictment; for he can only be
convicted on proof of the
overt acts which are charged. To render this
distinction more intelligible,
let it be recollected that, although it should be
conceded that since the
statute of William and Mary he who advises or
procures a treason may, in
England, be charged as having committed that
treason, by virtue of the
common law operation, which is said, so far as
respects the indictment,
to unite the accessorial to the principal offence
and permit them to be
charged as one, yet it can never be conceded
that he who commits
one overt act under the statute of Edward can be
charged and convicted
on proof of another overt act. If, then,
procurement be an overt
act of treason under the constitution, no man can
be convicted for the
procurement under an indictment charging him with
actually assembling,
whatever may be the doctrine of the common
law in the case of an
accessorial offender.
It may not be improper in
this place again
to advert to the opinion of the supreme court, and
to show that it contains
nothing contrary to the doctrine now laid
down. That opinion is,
that an individual may be guilty of treason "who
has not appeared in arms
against his country; that if war be actually
levied, that is, if a body
of men be actually assembled for the purpose of
effecting by force a treasonable
object, all those who perform any part, however
minute, or however remote
from the scene of action, and who are actually
leagued in the general conspiracy,
are to be considered as traitors." This opinion
does not touch the case
of a person who advises or procures an assemblage,
and does nothing further.
The advising, certainly, and perhaps the
procuring, is more in the nature
of a conspiracy to levy war than of the actual
levying of war. According
to the opinion, it is not enough to be leagued in
the conspiracy, and that
war be levied, but it is also necessary to perform
a part: that part is
the act of levying war. That part, it is
true, may be minute, it
may not be the actual appearance in arms, and it
may be remote from the
scene of action, that is, from the place where the
army is assembled; but
it must be a part, and that part must be performed
by a person who is leagued
in the conspiracy. This part, however minute
or remote, constitutes
the overt act of which alone the person who
performs it can be convicted.
The opinion does not declare that the person who
has performed this remote
and minute part may be indicted for a part which
was, in truth, performed
by others, and convicted on their overt
acts. It amounts to this
and nothing more, that when war is actually
levied, not only those who
bear arms, but those also who are leagued in the
conspiracy, and who perform
the various distinct parts which are necessary for
the prosecution of war,
do, in the sense of the constitution, levy
war. It may possibly
be the opinion of the supreme court that those who
procure a treason and
do nothing further are guilty under the
constitution. I only say
that opinion has not yet been given, still less
has it been indicated that
he who advises shall be indicted as having
performed the fact.
It is, then, the opinion
of the court that
this indictment can be supported only by testimony
which proves the accused
to have been actually or constructively present
when the assemblage took
place on Blennerhassett's Island; or by the
admission of the doctrine that
he who procures an act may be indicted as having
performed that act.
It is further the opinion
of the court that
there is no testimony whatever which tends to
prove that the accused was
actually or constructively present when that
assemblage did take place;
indeed, the contrary is most apparent. With
respect to admitting proof
of procurement to establish a charge of actual
presence, the court is of
opinion that if this be admissible in England on
an indictment for levying
war, which is far from being conceded, it is
admissible only by virtue
of the operation of the common law upon the
statute, and therefore is not
admissible in this country unless by virtue of a
similar operation -- a
point far from being established, but on which,
for the present,
no opinion is given. If, however, this point
be established, still
the procurement must be proved in the same manner
and by the same kind
of testimony which would be required to
prove actual presence.
The second point in this
division of the subject
is the necessity of adducing the record of the
previous conviction of some
one person who committed the fact alleged to
be treasonable.
This point presupposes the treason of the accused,
if any have been committed,
to be accessorial in its nature. Its being
of this description,
according to the British authorities, depends on
the presence or absence
of the accused at the time the fact was
committed. The doctrine on
this subject is well understood, has been most
copiously explained, and
need not be repeated. That there is no
evidence of his actual or
legal presence is a point already discussed
and decided.It is, then,
apparent that but for the exception to the general
principle which is made
in cases of treason, those who assembled at
Blennerhassett's Island,
if that assemblage were such as to constitute the
crime, would be principals,
and those who might really have caused that
assemblage, although in truth
the chief traitors, would in law be accessories.
It is a settled principle
in the law that the accessory cannot be guilty of
a greater offence than
his principal. The maxim is "Accessorius
sequitur naturam sui
principalis" -- "The accessory follows the nature
of his principal." Hence
results the necessity of establishing the guilt of
the principal before
the accessory can be tried; for the degree of
guilt which is incurred by
counselling or commanding the commission of a
crime depends upon the actual
commission of that crime. No man is an
accessory to murder unless
the fact has been committed. The fact can
only be established in
a prosecution against the person by whom a crime
has been perpetrated.
The law supposes a man more capable of defending
his own conduct than any
other person, and will not tolerate that the
guilt of A shall be
established in a prosecution against B.
Consequently, if the guilt
of B depends on the guilt of A, A must be
convicted before B can be tried.
It would exhibit a monstrous deformity indeed in
our system, if B might
be executed for being accessory to a murder
committed by A, and A should
afterwards, upon a full trial, be acquitted of the
fact. For this
obvious reason, although the punishment of a
principal and accessory was
originally the same, and although in many
instances it is still the
same, the accessory could in no case be tried
before the conviction of
his principal, nor can he yet be tried previous to
such conviction, unless
he require it, or unless a special provision
to that effect be made
by statute. If, then, this were a felony,
the prisoner at the bar
could not be tried until the crime were
established by the conviction of
the person by whom it was actually perpetrated.
Is the law otherwise in
this case, because
in treason all are principals? Let this question
be answered by reason
and by authority. Why is it that in
felonies, however atrocious,
the trial of the accessory can never precede the
conviction of the principal?
Not because the one is denominated the principal
and the other the accessory;
for that would be ground on which a great law
principle could never stand.
Not because there was, in fact, a difference in
the degree of moral guilt;
for in the case of murder committed by a hardy
villain for a bribe, the
person plotting the murder and giving the bribe
is, perhaps, of the two,
the blacker criminal; and were it otherwise, this
would furnish no argument
for precedence in trial. What, then, is the
reason? It has
been already given. The legal guilt of the
accessory depends on the
guilt of the principal; and the guilt of the
principal can only be established
in a prosecution against himself. Does not
this reason apply in full
force to a case of treason? The legal guilt
of the person who planned
the assemblage on Blennerhassett's Island depends
not simply on the criminality
of the previous conspiracy, but on the criminality
of that assemblage.
If those who perpetrated the fact be not traitors,
he who advised the fact
cannot be a traitor. His guilt, then, in
contemplation of law, depends
on theirs; and their guilt can only be established
in a prosecution against
themselves. Whether the adviser of this
assemblage be punishable
with death as a principal or as an addessory,
his liability to punishment
depends on the degree of guilt attached to an act
which has been
perpetrated by others; and which, if it be a
cirminal act, renders them
guilty also. His guilt, therefore, depends
on theirs; and their guilt
cannot be legally established in a prosecution
against him.
The whole reason of the
law, then, relative
to the principal and accessory, so far as respects
the order of trial,
seems to apply in full force to a case of treason
committed by one body
of men in conspiracy with others who are absent.
If from reason we pass
to authority, we find it laid down by Hale,
Foster, and East, in the most
explicit terms, that the conviction of some one
who has committed the treason
must precede the trial of him who has advised or
procured it.
This position is also maintained by Leach in his
notes on Hawkins, and
is not, so far as the court has discovered,
anywhere contradicted.
These authorities have been read and commented on
at such length that it
cannot be necessary for the court to bring them
again into view.
It is the less necessary because it is not
understood that the law is controverted
by the counsel for the United States. It is,
however, contended that
the prisoner has waived his right to demand
the conviction of some
one person who was present at the fact, by
pleading to his indictment.
Had this indictment even charged the prisoner
according to the truth of
the case, the court would feel some difficulty in
deciding that he had,
by implication, waived his right to demand a
species of testimony essential
to his conviction. The court is not prepared
to say that the
act which is to operate against his rights did not
require that it
should be performed with a full knowledge of its
operation. It would
seem consonant to the usual course of proceeding
in other respects in criminal
cases, that the prisoner should be informed that
he had a right to refuse
to be tried until some person who committed the
act should be convicted;
and that he ought not to be considered as waiving
the right to demand the
record of conviction, unless with the full
knowledge of that right he consented
to be tried. The court, however, does not
decide what the law would
be in such a case. It is unnecessary to
decide it; because pleading
to an indictment, in which a man is charged as
having committed an act,
cannot be construed to waive a right which he
would have possessed had
he been charged with having advised the act.
No person indicted as
a principal can be expected to say, "I am not a
principal. I am an
accessory. I did not commit, I only advised
the act."
The authority of the
English cases on this
subject depends, in a great measure, on the
adoption of the common law
dectrine of accessorial treasons. If that
doctrine be excluded, this
branch of it may not be directly applicable to
treasons committed within
the United States. If the crime of advising
or procuring a levying
of war be within the constitutional definition of
treason, then he who
advises or procures it must be indicted on the
very fact; and the question
whether the treasonableness of the act may be
decided in the first instance
in the trial of him who procured it, or must be
decided in the trial of
one who committed it, will depend upon the reason,
as it respects the law
of evidence, which produced the British decisions
with regard to the trial
of principal and accessory, rather than on the
positive authority of those
decisions. This question is not essential in
the present case; because
if the crime be within the constitutional
definition, it is an overt act
of levying war, and, to produce a conviction,
ought to have been charged
in the indictment.
The law of the case being
thus far settled,
what ought to be the decision of the court
on the present motion?
Ought the court to sit and hear testimony which
cannot affect the prisoner,
or ought the court to arrest that testimony? On
this question much has
been said -- much that may perhaps be ascribed to
a misconception of the
point really under consideration. The motion
has been treated as
a motion confessedly made to stop irrelevant
testimony; and, in the course
of the argument, it has been repeatedly stated, by
those who oppose the
motion, that irrelevant testimony may and ought to
be stopped. That
this statement is perfectly correct is one of
those fundamental principles
in judicial proceedings which is acknowledged by
all, and is founded in
the absolute necessity of the thing. No
person will contend that,
in a civil or criminal case, either party is at
liberty to introduce what
testimony he pleases, legal or illegal, and to
consume the whole term in
details of facts unconnected with the particular
case.Some tribunal, then,
must decide on the admissibility of
testimony. The parties cannot
constitute this tribunal; for they do not
agree. The jury cannot
constitute it; for the question is whether they
shall hear the testimony
or not. Who, then, but the court can
constitute it? It is of
necessity the peculiar province of the court to
judge of the admissibility
of testimony. If the court admit improper or
reject proper testimony,
it is an error of judgment; but it is an error
committed in the direct
exercise of their judicial functions. The
present indictment charges
the prisoner with levying war against the United
States, and alleges an
overt act of levying war. That overt act
must be proved, according
to the mandates of the constitution and of the act
of congress, by two
witnesses. It is proved by a single
witness. The presence of
the accused has been stated to be an
essential component part of
the overt act in this indictment, unless the
common law principle respecting
accessories should render it unnecessary; and
there is not only no
witness who has proved his actual or legal
presence, but the fact of his
absence is not controverted. The counsel for
the prosecution offer
to give in evidence subsequent transactions at a
different place and in
a different state, in order to prove --
what?The overt act laid in
the indictment? That the prisoner was one of
those who assembled
at Blennerhassett's Island? No: that is not
alleged. It is
well known that such testimony is not competent to
establish such a fact.
The constitution and law require that the fact
should be established by
two witnesses; not by the establishment of other
facts from which the jury
might reason to this fact. The testimony,
then, is not relevant.
If it can be introduced, it is only in the
character of corroborative or
confirmatory testimony, after the overt act has
been proved by two witnesses
in such manner that the question of fact
ought to be left with the
jury. The conclusion that in this state of
things no testimony can
be admissible is so inevitable that the counsel
for the United States could
not resist it. I do not understand them to
deny that, if the overt
act be not proved by two witnesses so as to be
submitted to the jury, all
other testimony must be irrelevant; because
no other testimony can
prove the act. Now, an assemblage on
Blennerhassett's Island is proved
by the requisite number of witnesses; and the
court might submit it to
the jury whether that assemblage amounted to a
levying of war; but
the presence of the accused at that assemblage
being nowhere alleged except
in the indictment, the overt act is not proved by
a single witness; and,
of consequence, all other testimony must be
irrelevant. The only
difference between this motion as made, and the
motion in the form which
the counsel for the United States would admit to
be regular, is this: It
is now general for the rejection of all
testimony. It might be particular
with respect to each witness as adduced. But
can this be wished,
or can it be deemed necessary? If
enough be proved to show
that the indictment cannot be supported, and that
no testimony, unless
it be of that description which the attorney for
the United States declares
himself not to possess, can be relevant, why
should a question be taken
on each witness? The opinion of this court
on the order of testimony
has frequently been adverted to as deciding this
question against the motion.
If a contradiction between the two opinions exist,
the court cannot perceive
it. It was said that levying war is an act
compounded of law and fact,
of which the jury, aided by the court, must
judge. To that
declaration the court still adheres. It was
said that if the overt
act were not proved by two witnesses, no testimony
in its nature corroborative
or confirmatory was admissible, or could be
relevant. From that declaration
there is certainly no departure. It has been
asked, in allusion to
the present case, if a general commanding an army
should detach troops
for a distant service, would the men composing
that detachment be traitors,
and would the commander-in-chief escape
punishment? Let the opinion
which has been given answer this question.
Appearing at the head
of an army would, according to this opinion, be an
overt act of levying
war. Detaching a military corps from it for
military purposes might, also,
be an overt act of levying war. It is not
pretended that he would
not be punishable for these acts. It is only
said that he may be
tried and convicted on his own acts in the state
where those acts were
committed, not on the acts of others in the state
where those others acted.
Much has been said in the
course of the argument
on points on which the court feels no inclination
to comment particularly;
but which may, perhaps not improperly, receive
some notice. That
this court dares not usurp power is most
true.That this court dares
not shrink from its duty is not less true.
No man is desirous of
placing himself in a disagreeable situation.
No man is desirous of
becoming the peculiar subject of calumny. No
man might he let the
bitter cup pass from him without self-reproach,
would drain it to the bottom.
But if he have no choice in the case, if there be
no alternative presented
to him but a dereliction of duty or the opprobrium
of those who are denominated
the world, he merits the contempt as well as the
indignation of his country
who can hesitate which to embrace. That
gentlemen, in a case the
most interesting, in the zeal with which they
advocate particular opinions,
and under the conviction in some measure produced
by that zeal, should,
on each side, press their arguments too far,
should be impatient at any
deliberation in the court, and should suspect or
fear the operation of
motives to which alone they can ascribe that
deliberation, is, perhaps,
a frailty incident to human nature; but if
any conduct on the part
of the court could warrant a sentiment that it
would deviate to the
one side or the other from the line prescribed by
duty and by law, that
conduct would be viewed by the judges themselves
with an eye of extreme
severity, and would long be recollected with deep
and serious regret.
The arguments on both sides have been intently and
deliberately considered.
Those which could not be noticed, since to notice
every argument and authority
would swell this opinion to a volume, have not
been disregarded.
The result of the whole is a conviction, as
complete as the mind
of the court is capable of receiving on a complex
subject, that the motion
must prevail. No testimony relative to the
conduct or declarations
of the prisoner elsewhere, and subsequent to the
transaction on Blennerhassett's
Island, can be admitted; because such testimony,
being in its nature merely
corroborative and incompetent to prove the overt
act in itself, is irrelevant
until there be proof of the overt act by two
witnesses. This opinion
does not comprehend the proof by two witnesses
that the meeting on Blennerhassett's
Island was procured by the prisoner. On that
point the court for
the present withholds its opinion for reasons
which have been already assigned;
and as it is understood from the statements made
on the part of the prosecution
that no such testimony exists, if there be such
let it be offered, and
the court will decide upon it.
The jury have now heard
the opinion of the
court on the law of the case. They will apply that
law to the facts, and
will find a verdict of guilty or not guilty
as their own consciences
may direct.