Medieval Trials: Selected Images

Trials by Ordeal

Ordeal of the boiling water
The Ordeal of Queen Emma (hot ploughshares)
The Ordeal of Cunigunde of Luxembourg (hot ploughshares)
Trial by water (1)
Trial by water (2)(17th century engraving)
Ordeal of the morsel
Pope Innocent III (Pope who, in 1215, forbid priests from participating in ordeals)

The Cadaver Synod (The "Dead Pope Trial")

Pope Formosus
Pope Stephen VI
The Trial of Pope Formosus (Le Pape Formose et Etienne VI by Jean Paul Laurens)

The Icelandic Trial of Kari v Flosi (1012, from the Njals Saga)

Njals Saga manuscript (circa 1300)
Page from Njals Saga manuscript

Kari Solmundarson
The Law Rock in Iceland
Map of Iceland during the age of the Sagas (from Njal's Saga, edited by Magnusson and Palsson)

Trial by Combat: The Carrouges vs Le Gris Duel

Combatants in duel taking oaths
Notes kept by lawyer for Le Gris (from The Last Duel by Eric Jager)
Map showing St. Martin-des-Champs, site of duel
Climax of Carrouges- Le Gris Duel
King Charles VI
Trial by combat scene

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