How to be a Persuasive Lawyer

1.  Develop a reputation for honesty (don't make up facts; tell the truth).

2.  Develop your capacity for empathetic recognition (know from body language and reactions whether your points are getting through).

3.  Appeal effectively to moral intuitions (target early in the process--anchor your story; appeal to the specific moral foundations of those you are trying to persuade).

4.  Make your message "sticky" (use stories; action more than abstraction; use plain language; build around theme; use details with sensory associations; use a voice that communicates urgency or emotion).

5.  Frame questions or problems in a way that advances your case.

6.  Respect your opponents and make strategic concessions (decision-makers like reasonable people).

7.  Prepare thoroughly (there's no substitute for hard work; gather many facts and weigh carefully how to present them in a powerful way).